We Hope To Be And Meet At The Ci Event In September!

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by TIM/ DEB BURNS, Aug 4, 2024.

  1. If all goes well, we hope to be joining all of you in September at the Camp-Inn gathering! I ordered each of us a commemorative tee …and we hope to be joining all with a CI 560!
    We are retired and live not far from Necedah, and learned of the outstanding quality of the CI. We have camped for better than 30 years, and been down the usual journey from tent to pop-up, to 19 ft. , to T@B, to 27ft Airstream.
    We look forward to the CI experience and a return to true camping, and having the opportunity for the first time to meet in group the people who have found the way to do it well and with tips to do it best!
    Jenn, Kevin, Van_and_Terri and 2 others like this.
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Hope to meet you there! Sounds like our experiences are the same -- with the big campers, we just unhooked and went back inside to watch TV. These small campers really force you go get outside, which is good for all of us! Can't beat fresh air and a little dose of Vitamin D....

    Did you order a new one? How'd you option it out?
    Kevin likes this.

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