water pump

Discussion in 'Electrical & Mechanical Issues' started by Wade and Nan, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Wade and Nan

    Wade and Nan Novice

    Can anyone help? As we prepare for our first extended trip and having just flushed and refilled the fresh water tank, we can't get water to come out of the faucet or the sprayer. The pump switch is ON. They water tank is full. The battery is charged. The fuse is good. The pump makes no sound when the switch is on. Any ideas? Thanks for your help. We would like water for our Death Valley trip.
  2. Steve & Betsy

    Steve & Betsy Novice

    Wade and Nan,

    Sounds like the pump may not be getting power, possibly there is a loose or broken wire? Is everything else on the trailer getting (12V) power? If no there is a battery switch in the galley that should be on.

    Hope you find the problem easily.
  3. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Check the fuses. I had a problem with my furnace after driving from Necehah to Montana. The fuse had jiggled loose. Evidently wasn't seated completely.
  4. Wade and Nan

    Wade and Nan Novice

    Yep, it was a loose wire. Found it and now the water pump is working! Thank you for your ideas.
  5. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    Wade and Nan, when are you going to Death Valley. We are all hitched up and headed there within the hour. Maybe we will see you there, we are intending to camp at the Mesquite Springs campground.

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