Announcement Watching And Waiting

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by sidmcl, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. sidmcl

    sidmcl Newbie

    After a year of research and hemming and hawing, I have placed my order for a 550 Ultra SUV with a late Oct. delivery date. Like most of you my decision was based on the quality, workmanship, and service that was apparent when I compaired the CI,s to other teardrops. This site has been extremely helpful in helping to identify techniques, equipment, and Do's and Don'ts that will shorten my learning curve. I already have three iteneraries planned and can only watch and wait until Oct. Sid from East TN
  2. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Welcome Sid,you have made the right choice.

    According to your profile you are a banjo player, I suppose you are used to all the banjo jokes?:grin: I look forward to hearing you play.
  3. sidmcl

    sidmcl Newbie

    Obviously you missed the part about playing badly.
  4. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Sid great choice and for all the right reasons. :)
  5. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    Welcome Sid, I have learned a lot from this forumn. I am also waiting for my unit for Late Oct early Nov. Dave
  6. David Olson

    David Olson Novice

    Sure glad we didn't wiat to order. We are looking at mid Oct. for our 560. Sure glad we had this site for pre order info.
    It sure is hard waiting, but sure having some good dreams about our future adventures with it.
  7. Deb

    Deb Novice

    Good things come to those who wait!
  8. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger


    Smart move (buying the CI, not tell us you play the banjo 'cus we're gonna ask you to drag it out at the gatherings).

    Welcome home.

  9. rockytopsc

    rockytopsc Novice

    Congrats Sid!!! Kingsport is a fond place for us, wife's hometown and where we were married. Just back from a long weekend in Townsend, TN.

  10. sidmcl

    sidmcl Newbie

    Thanks for the welcome everyone. Jason and Angie good to hear from someone from Kingsport. I guess I made a big mistake mentioning the banjo. Don,t get your hopes up though, my instructor gave up teaching the banjo after me.
  11. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    That's good! The great G.K. Chesterton one said "Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly.". sounds like sound advice.
  12. LisaNKevin

    LisaNKevin Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We placed our order and sent in our downpayment for a 550 maybe back in April or May. Pick up is scheduled for October 1. Getting so excited! When do you all think the link to watch the build will be sent to us?
  13. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    We picked up our CI in mid Oct. I think we probably got the link around the end of August or early Sept. The last few months are the hardest. Start planning your trip to the nest to keep busy.

  14. LisaNKevin

    LisaNKevin Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks, Jim. Our living room has become a staging area for things to take.

    Lisa & Kevin
  15. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger


    We ordered the first of Feb and got our link for pics in the last week of May. But I assume it depends on the backlog at the time of your order. Another way to figure this out is back up from the due date (ours was early July and we go the link about 6 weeks before birth).

    Now we are about to deliver ....actually its already delivered just waiting in the nursery.
  16. LisaNKevin

    LisaNKevin Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks! Hope your trip home has been or was good.
  17. sidmcl

    sidmcl Newbie

    Well, I just received my first set of build photo's. It finally seems as if there really is a CI in my future. Guess it's time to get serious about picking up all the things I am going to need. Sorry my 550 will not be ready in time to attend the gathering. Next year.
  18. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    Sid,we must be in the same row. Got our pictures today. Maybee next year I will be able to see your part of the country.

    At least now that delivery is getting closer I think I am well equiped with items for use in the trailer.

    Maybee see you at pick up.

  19. sidmcl

    sidmcl Newbie

    Dave,Dixie, It's good to hear from someone who will be picking up at about the same time that I am. I have proposed some dates for Craig and Cary and as soon as I hear from them I'll let you know.
    I currently plan to go to the west coast next Sept. Oregon is one of three states I havn't visited and plan to get there.
    Guess I had better get busy ordering some of the items I am going to need to pick up next month.
  20. Deb

    Deb Novice

    Hey Sid!

    Another owner/soon-to-be-owner from Tennessee! Welcome. My husband and I have our retirement property in Tennessee--Monterey, to be exact. What a beautiful state and friendly people. We're looking forward to connecting with some Camp Inn owners when we finally make the move, too. It's nice to know that there are more and more of us in Tennessee!

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