WA - Kalaloch - Olympia Nat'l Park

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by fpoole, May 16, 2011.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Didn’t do much, made a beer & ice run all the way down to the lodge, ¼ mile away and the rest was more like being in Monet’s Garden.. never left..

    Sunny and a little windy on Friday, little high clouds on Sat, started to rain early Sunday morning and had everything packed the night before ready to go if it did rain. Well, it did, so on the road back home by 7am..

    Good trip, nice to do nothing and able to have a fire without rain, but overcast and a little windy at times…

    Most campsite were good. Those back in the forest/treed area have their benefits in that it protects from the wind and the rain.. so 6 of 1, half dozen of other…


    Till the next time…

    Gallery Pics here
  2. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Looks like a great spot. Steve :)
  3. rockytopsc

    rockytopsc Novice

    In 2009, I spent a week in Olympia for some training and went out a day early. Drove the 101 Loop, stopping along the way at some of the parks. Very beautiful area and cool temperatures. The week I was there in July broke some heat records but I remember the temperature dropping over 20 degrees once I started the drive where you were camping. Hope to get back out there someday! Nice pics on your site.
  4. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks, it's a pretty popular spot, a little too crowded during the Summer months, BKTs are out, so I try to go places before and after summer.. Wind is the big thing...

    Rain = put up the Canopy
    Wind = furl the canopy
    Rain & Wind = pack it up and head on home
    No point in being miserable heheh..

    (BKTs= Bug Kids Traffic)

    Next stop??? the Wild Horse Wind and Solar Farms Tours.
    Windmills of the mind
  5. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    I just have one question: How do you fix your steaks? They look awesome! I like the grilled skillet - been thinking of getting one. I'm assuming the mess on the backsplash came off easily...?
  6. rockytopsc

    rockytopsc Novice

    fpoole, was wondering what BKT stood for till now. Us DINK's like the BKT acronym. haha
  7. mewton

    mewton Novice

    Those sites on the edge of the bluff are very hard to get in the summer. I had to reserve a site six months in advance and only got it because I was checking every few minutes when the online reservations were making a new block of dates available. The campground will be packed in August but the weather should be good (fingers crossed).
  8. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Steaks and Chicken were going to be other things, but alas, forgot the ingredients so I use "Rubs" as back up...
    They work great as a back up if not the main meal.. I just keep them in "Le Droppe"

    Yes, Reservations are hard at anytime, but especially in summer. But the other "Wooded" site are nice too. So it not a bad backup plan..

    J&A and Jenn, thanks, BKT seems to sum Summer up in 3 letters... now have to start accruing my vacation time for the Fall sprint in mid Sept when the "Season begins" again...
    It's what's great about the PNW in that most places can be enjoyed on the Friday off, "3-day weekend" 4 hours max driving gets you to most places of interest.

    Only the Boogie Boat is planned for the summer
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