WA - Fort Ebey Campout

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by fpoole, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Just knocking them off...
    One by one

    Fort Ebey on Whidbey Island, doing a campout.
    This weekend, Apr 14th

  2. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Stunning bluff trail, dangerous to those who may partake too much. Not too many skeletons on the beach however.
  3. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yep and getting lost is pretty easy too... Paragliding off the bluff there.. fun... but no ocean view... bummer..
  4. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    My website got hacked, redoing so the galleries are over here now...

    Fort Ebey photos
    (I think you can see them, let me know if not)
  5. Frank:

    Your camp bar was better stocked than most folks' home bar! Looks like you had good cheer, good company, and great views!
  6. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, more "Mission Creep" than dedicated planning... but fun.. While I'm only good for 2-3 glasses, the rest seem to enjoy it...

    It's the nice of the two, but not on the water front like Casey its so not sure which I prefer. Probably Casey as it's right close to the diving, across the ferry channel..

    Also, FYI, I'm scheduling retirement in Nov/Dec which will allow me the fun of longer trips. That said, would like to pick your brain on "Long term Camping". Just the basics, I love your 2-2-2 planning. Makes a lotta sense, but what to do for Internet/laptop/photos etc... want to set up a blog with photos etc.. Will pester you later on that stuff.. but in the planning stages...
  7. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Frank, I am sorry you got your website hacked. I periodically check it for new stuff and am usually not disappointed. I had seen the pictures before and that was one reason I decided to camp at Fort Ebey. Of course, we only go to Frank inspected and approved Washington State Parks.

    Fwiw, I almost got pushed off the bluff by one of those paragliders. It is not a safe sport, for those on the ground!

    Ditto on the congratulations on the retirement; it will be interesting to see how you handle the BKTs while retired.

    Jenn, you really need a bike for Fort Ebey, it makes a huge difference. Also, there are plenty of beaches at Fort Ebay, they are just difficult to get to unless you bring your own climbing ropes and cams.
  8. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    thanks much, will be bending your ear sooner than later... I submitted a new Section request to Evan so that might, if approved, be a source for info too..

    Yah, mann, a real PITA, but rebuilding over at Googles sites. Slow but steady. Should be able to "Search it" and use :
    Domain is the same, just having "Issues" pointing it over to the New Google site...

    For now, it's:

    but should be settled down to the regular address soon...
    Thanks for info, heheh.. I figured I was the only one using it.. LOL.. go figure...

    Thanks both, see you on the roads...

    Ps. BKT's only apply during Summer, just have to find further "Away" places and during the week for the KT's of it.. Bug Spray for the rest I guess.. hehheh..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016

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