Unexpected Benefits Of A Ci?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Christine Brandt, Dec 4, 2022.

  1. Long-time CI owner (2 since 2006) and I believe I've found a new use for our CI...not mentioned anywhere else in this forum that I know of! We have a 6 year old small Swiss dog (Appenzeller Swiss Mountain dog) who is normal in all respects EXCEPT if there is a storm with high winds. Scout carries on whining and pacing at night if weather conditions are bad...mainly high winds. So, earlier this spring, when nothing was helping including CBD oil, calming meds, thunder shirt, etc., we just decided to bring him into the CI parked in the garage of our raised-ranch home. I joined him, to be sure he would not go bonkers, and he settled right down and slept through the night! We've done this about 3 times this past year, and without fail, the quiet and close environment settles him right down and everyone has a peaceful night's sleep. Yes, an expensive cure, but since the camper is sitting in our garage, resting for the season, it makes me happy to be getting year-round use even in New England winters!
    ToDdR, dustinp and Kevin like this.
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    True that! It amazes me how well soundproof CI's are! Also owning 2 ;)
  3. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Awww. Who's a good boy!
  4. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I camped in mine for a week with my cat in the garage. It was unseasonably hot and the CI has an air conditioner and the house didn’t.

    This is my second teardrop but first CI.
    Kevin likes this.
  5. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I consider the CI my lifeboat.

    Generally, I keep the water tanks camping ready (Fresh full, waste empty) and the battery charged, and the fridge cold. My clothing is already loaded except for Sunday Best. All I need to do is grab items from the fridge if I"m bugging out, or turn on the generator in the event of power outage.

    This has saved my bacon at least once -- the generator ran the AC and the fridges in the house. If I didn't have these in place I would have still be fine, but maybe lost some groceries and been perhaps a little grumpy :) If it ever got that bad -- hook up and find some place more acomodating.

    The only time this plan doesn't serve us incredibly well is when the temps are in the single digits --- then freezing is a concern. Then I'd dump the tanks and find some place warm :)
    Tour 931, Randy, Kevin and 1 other person like this.
  6. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I do what I call a reset when I return from a trip. This means I clean it out and resupply for the next trip. All except for perishables.
    Kevin likes this.
  7. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Exactly the same. Having to do the 'reset' just before you depart is one extra step that kept me home. If its packed already just go. Before we developed this practice, and before you had to reserve 6 months in advance, we stayed home more than once because we had so much to do before we left.

    The next benefit is that I have found rarely if ever do I forget something I absolutely needed. Onboard right now I have 5 days +/- of everything except food and water. Water because I had to winterize it and food --- we have some but spam, canned veggies don't count. Although in an emergency....

    Normally I don't have to winterize -- my garage is attached and had a HVAC vent in it --- so while its never 'warm' there, its rarely close to freezing except in rare occasions in which case I'd just put a light bulb in the left bay, that would keep everything warm enough.
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.

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