Three Strikes And I'm Out

Discussion in 'Camper's Confessional' started by Tour 931, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I'm slowing coming to realize I should have paid more attention during the orientation at pickup. I've tried to answer a few basic questions and have struck out on the last three. I'm also realizing the Camp-Inn is a lot more complicated than my previous teardrop and few things are in common. Its like learning to drive a Hugo and then given a luxury car to drive.
  2. Ben

    Ben Ranger Donating Member

    Any ongoing issues that the collective wisdom of the campinnforum might help sort out?
  3. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Thanks but I just need to slowly learn more about the CI by using it.
  4. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I did pay attention and there was so much information in that orientation that for a couple of days my mind just went blank. It should start coming back to you and you can always look at the manual to refresh your memory. Good luck. Just have fun with it.
  5. Brian & Lucy

    Brian & Lucy Novice

    I like how simple a Camp Inn is, part of the reason we bought it!

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