Thinking Of Buying A Camp-inn? Here's My Spreadsheet...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by M&L, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. M&L

    M&L Ranger

    I'm posting this in case someone considering a Camp-Inn finds it helpful.

    My wife and I spend a lot of time deciding on what we wanted to upgrade to from our trusty Jumping Jack tent trailer (that has been to 46 of the lower 48 states!). It was time to pass the Jumping Jack on to our kids for them to start having adventures with their young families. We wanted something smaller with a few more amenities, and had whittled the list down to the following:

    1.) Four Wheel Hawk truck camper
    2.) Sportsmobile camper van
    3.) Airstream Bambi
    4.) Camp-Inn 560 Ultra

    In order to keep track of what we cared about, and to provide a way to weight our priorities, I threw together a spreadsheet to help with the decision-making process. Now that we have our 560, and are very happy, we can confirm that our process worked.

    The desired features and priorities will clearly be different for everyone...but this really helped us to be sure that we made the right choice. Our list is heavily influenced by the many years we spent with our tent trailer.

    This is a view-only document, but anyone should be able to make a copy and modify it for their own situation. It's not fancy, but it IS functional!

    Here's the spreadsheet:
    RV Comparison - SHARED

    Oh ya...about the feature we listed called "Draws least attention parked on a city street when in use"... nevermind that! There is NO scenario where this trailer DOESN'T draw attention. We had SO many people stopping to check it out and talk to us on our maiden voyage home!
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2020
  2. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    This file is a classic decision making tool. Seems very useful to me.

    Thanks for sharing it.

    Kevin and M&L like this.
  3. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Tell ya, after having a camp inn --- and "upgrading" to something bigger, I have regretted the decision just about every day we're out. Camp inn's flat out are amazing. You'll never regret buying one. The one I sold was 100% condition...the "new' campers and RV's start to fall apart on the first use.

    The ONLY thing I miss --- is the black tank. Not having a toilet and shower is the one thing that a class A will beat you on every time. Black tank maintenance is no big deal. If they can ever figure out how to build in a toilet...perfect camper!!!!

    Getting sick and tired of dirty, foul, and disguisting shower houses was the reason we downgraded to a class A. Every state is different...Wisconsin is better than Indiana, but Florida beats them all...

    How bad do I regret it? What forum am I posing on...and why do I have open in another tab.
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