Things to see and do in these states

Discussion in 'Trip Planning' started by Ladymc, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    I need input from anyone that could help us plan a vacation in early October. Leaving Hot Springs, AR and heading to Paducah, KY to the National Quilt museum, then we're open from there. We want to do a fall foliage trip, circling back to end up at home in Houston. Don't think we can make it all the way to Vermont, Maine and Connecticut, but wanting to make a smaller circle east through West Virginia, Virginia, North and South Carolina,Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and then home to Texas.

    Looking for things to do - highlights. Thanks!
  2. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Hi Bill and Linda.

    If you make it as far as Virginia's east coast, think about coming to Williamsburg.
    It's beautiful in October. Yorktown and Jamestown are close by as well. There is the College of William and Mary, the Williamsburg Winery tour, Busch Gardens, etc. Thomas Jefferson's house, Monticello, is in Charlottesville. If you like good seafood, there are several restaurants we can recommend. There are some nice campgrounds in the area too.

    Deb & Kyle
  3. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Been there, done that and loved it. Would love to see Williamsburg again and take more time. Went to Jamestown twice and there is something spiritual about that place - you can feel the people living there almost. Yorktown was very interesting - we were there on a cold March day. Monticello didn't impress as much as Mt. Vernon did. We want to do Richmond for sure - never been there.

    What is the fall foliage like in Virginia during October? I just noticed that you live in Wmsbrg...neat, neat place!
  4. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Linda if you get far enough east, I can't stress enough about Gettysburg, PA. If you go plan on at least 2 days but 3 will be good. Middle TN has a few interesting Civil War sites as well. Shilo being the most well known.
  5. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Bill & Linda,

    Virginia's foliage is really pretty in October, esp. as you travel towards Richmond. Lots to do and see. We should have a bounty of color this year since we've had more rain than usual. We now have temperatures in the low to mid 80's, with evening lows in the upper 50's....ideal conditions for autumn color. Yesterday we had a break in the humidity.

    Let us know if you decide to swing by Williamsburg and we'll throw out the welcome mat.
    Heywood likes this.
  6. Bechtle

    Bechtle Novice

    October? Consider visiting the Great Smokey Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains. The autumn foliage is SPECACULAR...much better that our Fall Foliage Cruse thru New England.

    (There's also NASCAR Cup Race at Charlette. Take a tour of all the major race shops, and visit the NASCAR Hall of Fame.)

    consider the Fall Foliage in October...we altered our vacation so that we could spend a few more days takiig picures.
  7. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    George - been to Gettysburg and it was great!

    Deb & Kyle - OOOH that's tempting! We're scheduled to go to Wash. D.C. in April for our 45th anniversary and we want to do Williamsburg again - if those plans go through we'll look you up for sure! (Probably fly in - it's a LONG way from Texas!)

    I think I'm going to bring a coat just in case - or a jacket and layers.

    Carl - this is the kind of info. I've been looking for - thanks!

    We've always wanted to do Vermont and New Hampshire fall foliage and one day we will, but it's good to know that with the rain they've had and your experience we're going to get some pretty fall foliage!
  8. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    I was born in DC and raised in nearby MD. When Carol and I were full timing, we had to go back to the DC area a few times each year to take care of family business. We only found one campground that I would recommend - Cherry Hill Park in College Park, MD. Very large with a full service store and rec center. More importantly, it is right at the intersection of the beltway and I95N. There is also a Metro station one exit south and this is the best way to get into DC. Baltimore is about 35 miles east on I95.
    We also camped at Gettysburg Battlefield Park many times. I don't think you could see everything if you stayed 2 weeks so plan to stay there as long as you can. There are still houses with canon balls lodged in the walls. History is everywhere.......
  9. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Bill & Linda - Please do come and stay with us while visiting Williamsburg. If you're flying, you'll need an alternative place to stay. We are empty nesters now...two bedrooms w/private baths on the 2nd floor, if that's ok.
  10. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Mike & Carol - hey that's great info. if we ever drive that far up again. We stayed in Maryland and took the Metro into DC from there in 2007. We're not sure just where we're headed, but if we end up driving that far up again we'll be sure and stay at that campground! Thanks!

    DebandKyle - Wow! What an offer! You sound like us! We're empty nesters as well and have 2 extra bedrooms - but we're in a 1 story - decided to save our knees! :) We're not sure what we're doing this trip but I don't see us coming there until April. We have a condo arranged for 1 week in Alexandria, Va. but we may want to stay longer and if the offer still stands, we may just take you up on it! So much to see, so little time! And I LOVE history - we took pics of the church in Williamsburg and LOST them! So we have to do a re-do!
  11. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Bill & Linda - Yes, the offer still stands for April. If you do decide to come to Williamsburg again, let us know. Alexandria is about 2.5 hours from us.
    Spring is pretty here as well.
  12. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Don't suppose anyone has any books like the 3 best things to see in each state??? I'm thinking more along the lines of natural "things" like the grand canyon, or Yellowstone or ??

    Just wondering if there is a good book to use as a destination to go see...
  13. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    I agree! We need such a book!
  14. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    DebandKyle - we were in DC in April of 2007 and saw the gorgeous cherry bloosoms and Monticello tulips and all the gorgeous blooming flowers - that's why we're coming back in the Spring plus it's going to be our 45th anniversary! We'll do DC and then drive over to Williamsburg to see it again and met our new friends! :)
  15. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Bill & Linda - Wonderful!
    We look forward to meeting you. Your 45th anniversary will be cause for celebration.
  16. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  17. Little Patriot

    Little Patriot Junior Ranger Donating Member

    fpoole- it would be cool to have a small book/pocket reference of the Natural Wonders of each state. For exp., VA has the Luray Caverns, and Natural Bridge.
    George Washington carved his initials on the structure when he surveyed the area.
  18. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yes, somethhing like that...
    see, I had no idea VA has the Luray Cavern..
    Virginia Luray caverns (pics - nice)

    I will put that on the list... thanks..

    Might be able to put something together on a spread sheet... will try to see what comes up...
  19. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  20. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Many state DeLorme map books contain listings of natural wonders.
    And other useful information.

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