Update The Long Wait Is Finally Over

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by pbaker2225, May 13, 2014.

  1. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I got home yesterday from picking up Pttywagin. She is beautiful and the whole experience was fun and exciting. The orientation was thorough and I really learned a lot. My brain and my whole body were fried by the end of the day. Afterward my daughter and I threw our bed together, got a Subway sandwich and slept in the employee parking lot. Thanks to Cary and Craig for letting us do that.
    On the fifth night the furnace didn't work. It was dark so I just left it till morning. When I investigated in the morning I found that the fuse had jiggled out enough so the furnace wouldn't light. Just pushed it back in and everything went well after that.
    I do find the mattress to be too firm even with the added memory foam topper. I'm not sure what to do about that so will just try to get used to it. I would rather have a softer mattress and no topper so it wouldn't be so thick. Also I like the sofa in the reclining position and it makes a really tight fit for the mattress. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
    I washed her today and have a few unsightly streaks under the windows. The rest looks great.
    I am not organized yet and am looking forward to the time when I am.
    My brother came back to Washington with me and we also visited my youngest brother in Eastern Wa on the way home.
    The trailer towed beautifully. I was a little apprehensive at first but soon got over it. I could not believe how quickly I got used to it. My mirrors worked great. I'm not confident yet about judging distance after passing. The Element towed fine and not problem going over the passes on the way home. I didn't back up until I got to my own driveway and did alright with that too. Not great but alright.
  2. Tom Ruggles

    Tom Ruggles Novice

    All right, Pat!!! Congratulations. Are we gonna see you at Mossyrock in a week or so? Think of the questions you'll get answered.
  3. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I plan on going to Mossy Rock. My daughter, Carol may make it too. She went with me to pick up my trailer. We had a great time together. I hope I can get a little better organized before then. I am looking forward to learning from the seasoned travelers. The trailer certainly is an upgrade from my cot tent.
  4. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Way to go Pat! Glad to hear you got Pattywagon home safe and sound. Looking forward to hearing more about her maiden tour when we see you at Mossyrock next week.

  5. Mark_inMA

    Mark_inMA Novice

    Congratulations Pat!

    I remember THAT Subway! :D A hot cheesy sub tasted great for MY first dinner after a
    late wrapup due to 2013 March snow on the roads. Thanks Cary, Craig and Camp-Inn crew !!!

    The sofa is much nicer in the reclining position when you are up, but moving it to
    the stowed positon is worth the effort after PJs are on. Makes it much less obtrusive.
    Just sit on the mattress and lift the middle of the bottom wood frame,
    push it toward the front of the trailer over the side bumps, and ease it down flat.
    You get back the top 4" of your bed and pillows can lap over instead of a wooden head bumper.

    I appreciate the mention of the furnace fuse Pat. I will remember it in case of future need.
    It can get a bit chilly up here in New England too.
  6. GhostOrchid

    GhostOrchid Junior Ranger

    Pat --

    We're also going to be using an Element ('07 FWD) for our TV, so interested in your hitch setup. We need to get our Element hitched and wired in the next couple weeks.

    What hitch did you get and who installed? Did the Necedah crew need to do any remedial work on your electric connector?

    Love hearing about your experiences. Thanks for sharing.
  7. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks for all the congrats everyone. I'm so happy with my 560. I came to the same conclusion on the sofa. It is worth the small effort it takes to change the position.
    I am back home and enjoying visiting with my brother. He has been living in Wisconsin for many years so it is fun to take him to his old haunts and show him how things have changed. He will be flying out on the 21st.
    My Honda was set up with a hitch but the small one. I ordered a 2 inch from eTrailer and my neighbor who does that kind of work installed it for me. They tell you which ones will bolt directly on your car without drilling new holes. It was reasonably priced and I got it in under 24 hours. I had a reputable trailer place here in town do all the wiring. I also ordered the brake controller from etrailer. Everything was right and I didn't have to have any modifications done when I picked up my trailer. My back-up lights even worked. Cary did a great write up about correct wiring and grounds and I took it along. They don't usually put in #10 ground wire on a trailer this size but I told them that is what I wanted. They didn't have enough wire on hand and I left my car there an extra day so they could get it in. I also had them wire the back DC outlet to be always on so If I decided to carry the refrigerator in there I could.
  8. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member


    You will enjoy the back 12v plug in being always on. I did the same thing in my vehicle. Dometic resides there all the time. Works great for me.

    Important fact though, when in campgroudds I run an extension cord to the dometic. If you choose to run the dometic from the car 24/7 the vehicle has to run at least 30 minutes daily to prevent battery drain.

    Ask me how I know? Well, twice I have had to be jump started because the battery was drained when the car never moved in two days. ONe of the lessons in life.

  9. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I have a spot in my rear view also but still have not quite figured it out. Driving home I had my brother with me so if I felt insecure about pulling in I just asked him. Just a little more practice needed.
    Good suggestion about running and extension cord to the fridge. I had thought I would move it to the table when camping but it is pretty heavy. I'll figure it out as I go.
    I have a lot of organizing to do. I just need to pull everything out and start over. I really hate being disorganized. I haven't done much cooking yet so I can't do too much. Carol put a lot of the stuff away so I don't even know where things are. Fun, fun, fun.
  10. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Welcome home Pat. Looking forward to seeing your new trailer next week. I like keeping the sofa in the reclining position even when I am sleeping. It serves as a headrest. To each his own.

    More than half the fun is figuring out how you want things to be.
  11. Mark_inMA

    Mark_inMA Novice


    I suspect the sofa difference is height. From the CICO I recall you are shorter than my 6'4".
    I still recalled the night I left it out. I rolled over, my head left the pillow and I got a crease
    in my forehead. When I saw Pat's comment "it makes a really tight fit for the mattress"
    that is what I thought of.

    I have to have my feet solidly against the back wall to clear it when reclined.
    After I use it reclined to put on PJ pants, I find it worth the little effort to stow.
    If I want to put my arm under my pillow my wrist extending above my head doesn't end up on the frame.

    Go Camp-Inn, we can all have it the way we want...
  12. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member


    I agree, if I were 6'4", I would put it down at night. As you say, I am significantly shorter that that, so leaving it up is not an issue for me.
  13. Pick

    Pick Novice

    Hi Pat, Just now saw your post congrats!!! I'm still in the waiting mode but it is going by fairly fast. Hope to see posts of your trailer and adventures soon.
    Mike & Denita
  14. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I added the memory foam to the top of the mattress and it takes up room in the foot well. I haven't figured what to do about the mattress. I haven't slept on the mattress without the memory foam. I put it on right away because of my daughter. When I got home I stripped off the flannel sheets and put on regular sheets but left on the memory foam. After Mossy Rock I think I will take off the memory foam and try out the mattress without it. I really don't like the memory foam making the mattress thicker and taking up the room in the foot well. Also if I decide to keep the memory foam on there I need to take it out and trim it so it is shorter. The memory foam makes it hard to recline the couch. I really liked the couch in the reclining position too and don't like height of the bed with the memory foam on it. I have lots to learn.
    Mark, I have always wished I was taller but I guess being short has its advantages.
    MDP, It is a very exciting day when you pick up your trailer. Take something to snack on and something to drink. I was so excited I forgot to eat or drink anything all day. My daughter noticed I was shaky about 5:00 and went to the car and started poking stuff at me to get my blood sugar up. I was focused on learning all I could about my new trailer. As I have used the trailer and encountered issues I have been able to remember the info from orientation to make things easier. The fantastic fan is complicated and fantastic. One thing I forgot is don't hold the knob to stall the fan as you are closing it. I did this once and then Carol saw in the manual that is a no no.
  15. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Craig put the hypervent in for me. Are you using any foam or memory foam on the top of the mattress?
    I am looking forward to all the advice at the camp out. I need all the help I can get. lol
  16. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Cary told me my mattress is on the softer side but didn't tell me about the white X. I will try mine without the foam and see how it feels. I really don't want the extra thickness of the foam on there. It seems like thinner is better for getting into the under bed storage and for keeping the blankets out of the door. Thanks for your input.
    I'm still a little nervous about going through Seattle as I did not deal with much traffic coming home. It didn't take long to become comfortable driving but the most traffic I dealt with was Spokane.
  17. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I didn't know about the white x either. I will have to take a look when I get the camper today. I prefer softer. Thanks Jenn.
  18. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Pat, one thing you might think about is arranging to drive through Seattle really early in the morning or late at night. As Jenn suggested, you could come down earlier in the week. I am looking at the campsites and there are plenty of sites available during the week. I am tempted to drive up Thursday night after work. I have to work until 6 and would not get there until 8:30 or 9 but there are plenty of pull throughs so I wouldn't have to back up in the dark. It looks like the primitive camp is not taken for Thursday night so we could ask on Friday morning what time we could move over there.
  19. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Susan and I have site 37 at Ike Kinswa SP reserved Wednesday and Thursday of next week, we'll do everything we can to avoid holiday weekend traffic. Head down early ya'll and beat the rush!

  20. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Jenn, I was looking at Mossyrock but could also try Kinswa. It depends on a number of things, can I get ready in time and how work goes so I wouldn't count on me on Thursday. However, if you and/or Michaelo are going to be at Kinswa, I will aim for there. I wasn't going to make a reservation just show up.

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