Tech on the Road Maxing connections for cell/wifi

Discussion in 'Technology Corner' started by ghaynes, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. ghaynes

    ghaynes Novice

    Since I am about a month away from delivery wanted to start a new topic and solicit feedback.

    I'd like to get into remote areas where cell/wifi reception is challenging. Need to stay connected to work so I can combine my remote work situation by staying online.

    So am interested in what others are doing for the following situations:

    1. Mobile phone boosters/amps like the Wilson series or others.
    2. Wifi boosters/amps to pull in the maximum amount of signal.
    3. Data cards - again boosters/amps for them.

    Currently I have a Verizon iPhone and T-Mobile MiFi MF61 for data. Most of the mobile amps that are available today don't support 4G/LTE but that will probably be changing.

    So what are you using, how's it working for you in more remote locations, what antennas/hardware.
  2. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    We don't have any special antennas. If the phone doesn't ring you can't answer it. :)
  3. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member


    You might desire to ask the question on Teardrops and Tiny Traveler Forum. There is a link on the top left of the Camp Inn Forum.

    Also, one Camp Inn member, Darrell from Omaha, who works for Verizon, may be able to provide some assistance. He will be at the CICO.

    There are many knowledgeable members who should be able to provide information.

    I also use MiFi. Works great with traveling and camping. Reception in remote areas is the challenge. As for charging, that is the easy part. Plug into the 12volt. Keep system charged with solar or generator.

  4. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    If communication is a must you could purchase a satellite hand held phone. They are expensive and calls cost approximately $1.00 per minute. You could check with a ham radio store they might be able to point you in the right direction. Dave
  5. ghaynes

    ghaynes Novice

    Jenn - build is just about done. Charge with solar or my small Honda generator.
    Sat phone is a good idea but NOT that desperate. Just trying to max out tx/rx so that I can not drive back as often to civilization.

    There is a phrase that I have seen used by full time big rig RVer's. Work-Amping. Basically work while you travel. If you have a remote non-office type job like working from home then that would be work-amping.

    Thanks for the tip on TT. I'll check there.
  6. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Gary - I work from home for a school (database mgr) so I like to be reachable while camping. Last year in WA State I had a hard time getting a good signal but this year in Idaho, Montana, Oregon and WA my Verizon 3G on my ipad worked almost everywhere.
    My laptop is easier to use reaching my school desktop and all but one campground we were in had good WiFi. I put my home phone on "follow me" with Comcast so I could get phone calls sent to my home phone (let them go to voice mail) and picked up via email from Comcast. Perhaps you will be in more out-of-the way places but this worked for me.
  7. Jerry Kemp

    Jerry Kemp Junior Ranger

    I carry (2) cell phone. My personal iPhone with ATT carrier and my $WORK iPhone with Verizon for a carrier.

    Its not that I'm interested in working remotely, but its my general experience that Verizon has more towers/better coverage than anyone. OTOH, my recent trip from Texas to Utah/Arizona proved that incorrect, or at least with the remote/rural area's I traveled to. From this last trip, I had a much higher quality signals from my personal ATT iPhone.


    The point of all of the above is that depending on your local area, one carrier frequently will work better than another.

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