Storage Cover

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rick and Lorrie, Oct 20, 2019.

  1. We are storing our teardrop in a barn but are considering a cover as well. There is one on EBay called a PolyPro for less than $100 - has anyone used this? I am leery due to the price difference for the one from Camp Inn.
  2. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    What is it made off? It needs to breathe.
  3. I would be very cautious. PolyPro makes "breathable" covers, apparently. But breathable fabrics (whether it's Gore-Tex clothing, or RV covers) only work when there is a sufficient difference in humidity that it is able to "push" the moisture to the other side. Otherwise, it just traps it underneath. In an unheated building, the temperature changes will cause condensation to develop on all surfaces and you will be left with a soggy, rotten mess. A cover would be advised if it is stored outside, but only if it is the proper fabric and it is attached specifically and correctly.

    If you're worried about dust and bird droppings in a barn, then a thin old cotton bed sheet, just on the top, would keep that gunk off but not trap any moisture. Or a canopy, or a suspended tarp.

    After a year and half of storage in an unheated garage (in the Northeast) I have discovered that this moisture is insidious. From the start, I have put renewable/rechargeable desiccants in the cabin, with success. However, I have just discovered that I should also have put a small bag in the enclosed battery section, as the exposed electrical connections are now developing some rust. The galley itself is not a concern as it's all stainless and I haven't noticed any problems there.

    I have used an impervious cover on my motorcycle in the same garage, to keep dust off, but I keep a fan blowing underneath 24/7 to inhibit any build-up of condensation in all the crevices. However, I don't think that this is a practical approach for a trailer and cover.

    I looked for a previous forum post on this very subject of covers (I know there is one) but couldn't find it. Maybe someone can pull it up.

    Tour 931 likes this.
  4. Thank you so much! The material just said 3 ply poly on the top with two air vents. We were mostly concerned with dust and bird droppings so will go with a sheet on top. What do you recommend for a desiccant for inside? Would just opening the window a bit help?
  5. I use this for the cabin... E-500 High Capacity Renewable Dehumidifier | Eva-Dry and keep all the windows shut to prevent any extra moisture from entering the space. Otherwise, its just sucking up moisture from the outside air. The beads change color when they are at max absorption. Plug into an outlet overnight to heat it up and dry it out. Beads go back to "yellow" when its fully "recharged". I have never weighed it before and after to figure out just how much moisture it actually sucks up; I should.

    I got these for the battery compartment... When they hit a certain weight (depending on the size you buy) they are at max absorption and you dry them out in the microwave, oven, or leave them in the sun (slower), to bring them back to their factory weight.

    Both of these options are just for longer-term storage purposes and don't have the speed or capacity to deal with overnight condensation that develops inside the cabin while you're sleeping. Only venting can address that issue. But all that moisture you create doesn't just end up on the windows; it infiltrates all parts of the cabin interior, bedding and components, to a certain degree., and just 'airing out' the trailer for a short while after a trip probably doesn't get all the moisture that's soaked deep in to everything. It takes some time to draw it back out again.

    Cheap insurance, for those of us who don't live in the Southwest or California.
    Tour 931 likes this.
  6. Wow! What great information! We will get both products. Thank you!

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