Spring cleaning!

Discussion in 'Care & Maintenance' started by Mick'nSarah, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Well, .e made it out of the garage for the first time since last fall. She got a nice bath, water tanks are flushed, tires have been checked, seals treated, and she has her cover on (all in time for the rains to hit on Tuesday!). Hopefully they dump and get outta dodge so we can head to the coast for some camping next weekend! The Grey Whales are working their way up the Oregon Coast right now (Michaelo, have you spotted any yet?). Yesterday 406 were spotted. Not sure about today yet (numbers haven't been posted), and I am not sure if some of those spottings were the same whales in different locations (totally possible since they are reporting from locations up the entire coast). We saw several pods going north 2 years ago (both Greys and Orcas). It is such an amazing thing to see. Fingers crossed.

    If the weather doesn't cooperate, we are skiing.
    But tomorrow, we head to the amusement park. Hope I survive!

    Got to love spring break! So far it has been beautiful! A friend said, "days like today are what Oregonians live for." It is what gets us through 9 months of rain and grey...the other side is amazing. I feel like I have just had my house land in OZ and the technicolor hit.

    Hope everyone else had a nice weekend. By the way, none of our Washington friends were in that landslide, right? Just awful! Hope everyone is safe!
  2. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yep, the camping season has begun...

    I'm heading down to O'Brien for a ride, Old Sour Dough Trai from O'brien to Brookings on the coast, so tent camping aka PITA Camping... and might head over to the Dunes on Sunday, not sure yet.

    Hope you get rid of the rain... cause it's more fun when it's NOT !!!... and that's not looking like it will be a 'Sun-Shining Day' nothing below 60% rain.. heheh..

    "Let the Games begin.."
    Wooo Hooo..
  3. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Just saw the weather update. They originally said it was due tomorrow and gone by Thursday. Now there is rain all the way out, as far as the eye can see. It is because we washed the cars yesterday. I am sure of it. We had the bucket and hose out and decided we should just do it. May have jinxed ourselves. Maybe I will book to Sunriver or Black Butte for a couple of days. Or maybe we will just stay home. Only 9 more weeks of school and then we hit the road!
  4. PlasticsMan

    PlasticsMan Novice

    What do you use to clean / treat the seals?

  5. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    I've been using Amour All, but that's just me. Don't know if there's a recommended product...
  6. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Mick used a vinyl cleaner of some sort. Not exactly sure what though.
  7. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    Sarah's post encouraged me to do the maintenance tasks as well. I re-read the manual, (so I wouldn't forget anything) and...
    - Checked the wheel bearings
    - added some grease to the leveling jack screw (wow, that made a difference!)
    - lubricated the hitch jack
    - went to an auto store and found something called 'Meguiar's Marine-RV 57 Vinyl & Rubber Cleaner & Protectant', and treated all gaskets I could think -- even remembered to open up the fan, grab a step stool and wipe the gasket on that. Put that on the Alcan cover, too--it looks shiny new again.
    - checked the parking brake
    - a tiny bit of WD-40 on all key locks
    Since I was checking anyway (I do this more often than yearly)
    - checked tire pressure (it was lower than it should be)
    - cleaned the windows and screens
    - checked the battery charge
    - gave her a quick bath

    The only thing I haven't done yet is flush out the pink RV antifreeze from winterizing last year--I'll wait until the weekend before Cooler Near the Lake and flush and fill with fresh then. For all I know... winter isn't done with Wisconsin yet.

    Did I miss anything?
  8. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    Did you change the winter air in the tires? You need to let out all that nasty winter air and replace it with good fresh warm summer air. You might want to wait a few more weeks for that.

    Yes, I'm just kidding folks...
  9. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    Take a look at the serial number label on the left side of the trailer tongue. The tire pressure is listed there, always handy when it's time to check, which is at the start of every outing. No need to write it down, its always there with you.

    While you are at it, check the pressure on the tow vehicle as well. There is a similar plate inside the driver's door with the recommended pressures, sometimes different front and rear. Never use the pressure molded into the sidewall of the tire! That is the maximum pressure for the tire and if you use that it will be way too high.

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    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
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