Snowapalooza in the Northwest!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mick'nSarah, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    The folks in the mid-west and north-east are going to laugh at us, but I thought I would show you how much snow it takes to shut down Portland. Best guess...about a half inch (although, Vancouver got about an inch or 2 more than we did, so it was heavier in other areas). The schools are all shut, the community centers have cancelled their classes, county offices are on a 2-hour delay, the local news has extended their morning broadcast (by nearly 3 hours), and folks were clogging the grocery stores yesterday to make sure they had food for this big, impending snow storm. By my calculations, tomorrow is actually going to be worse, because all of this beautiful white stuff is going to melt today and turn to ice. But the kids are definitely going to enjoy it while it is here. Snow day! :)

  2. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    PS-for the record, we used to get a lot more snow, and not much was ever said about it, plus as an ex-downhill ski racer, I spent most of my time in it. No idea why things have gone so crazy!
  3. abccampinn

    abccampinn Novice

    Its because the news media loves a crisis! The fresh snow is always beautiful though.
  4. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Isn't that the truth! The weather people sure felt important fact they were down right giddy. I suppose snow can do that to anybody though. Just wish it had lasted a little longer. The poor kids were sledding on the grass by 11am.
  5. eileenpaine

    eileenpaine Novice

    You should hear the SoCal weather folks preparing for the "storm of a generation" -we are on "storm watch", and the weather is looking to cause an Oscar crisis......

    I just don't want my citrus to freeze.

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