Snappads - New Snapjacks Now Available

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by Brad D., Feb 28, 2024.

  1. Brad D.

    Brad D. Novice

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024
  2. Decent-looking product. But a little pricey.

    For those of us who are prone to need reminders, before driving away, that our scissors are down, I think I'll keep my free 6"x 8" vinyl decking cut-offs (spray-painted a bright, alarming, fluorescent orange) .
    Kevin and Brad D. like this.
  3. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Ya, neat product! TY Brad!

    I'm used to carrying 3-4 home made 1'x1' pads of 3/4" plywood as jack pads I can position to avoid sinking in the mud, and dont care if I brain fart and forget them...and a couple 6" length 4x4s with rope connectors- like old timey aircraft chocks.

    In a pinch ya can use all of them them to build a sand mat/bridge if you drive into a gravel wash in the desert and sink to axles...ask me how I know...;)

    Bright fluorescent - now thats what I need!
    On my reading keys, ...;)
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
    dustinp likes this.

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