Single cup coffee makers

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by Tom Ruggles, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Tom Ruggles

    Tom Ruggles Novice

    Has anyone out there had experience with single cup coffee makers (Keurig-style) in the galley area. We are contemplating one and it seems like a decent idea but maybe we are missing something. Power issues? Storage issues? Anything else that might be useful to us in making our decsion?
  2. I have a Keurig but have never taken it camping. I think it would depend on if you are big coffee drinkers or not. Me, I just like a cup in the morning hours, so I don't think it would be worth the space to take it along.

    I can tell you I enjoy the luxury of it at home. I also am not a strong coffee drinker and run a second cup of water through 1 keurig filter (2/1 drinks).
  3. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    I have Keurig and love it but it is too big for taking camping. I am considering adding a smaller one to my Christmas list. I used a french press this year while camping and dreamed of a single serve with out the coffee grounds to clean up.
  4. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    I bought a single serve coffee "pot" for lack of a better word for Bill. I don't drink coffee so that's all he needs. It makes a large mug. I got it at Camping World (electric) and is the only place I could find it. It's very small and doesn't take up a lot of room. Can't remember the brand- don't know if this is what you're looking for. $19.95. Oh- it's also very fast- 2 cups in 2 mins.

    On Edit: It's on sale now $17.99 Black & Decker Brew & Go:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  5. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    I was kind of embarrassed to admit we had one for the trailer, but since you asked...

    We have a Nespresso machine for the house that we absolutely love, and when they came out with the Pixie, it took me a month before I went and got it. It fits on the shelf in the galley with the hatch closed (I have to take the drip tray off, but it takes seconds to put back on).

    They are a bit pricey (just under $250), but we have more than made up for the cost in what we are saving in not having visited a coffee shop in 2 years (Mick sometimes has 3 cups of coffee in the morning and I like lattes, so you can see how that would add up!). Outside of beer, folks in our region love their coffee (we can be a little snobby about it, I suppose). I will say, that if you love frothed milk (either warm or cold), get the Aeroccino. It is absolutely amazing! Like I said, I use it for lattes, but you can warm milk to help you sleep or for hot cocoa, or whatever your heart desires. And it will froth it cold too. It takes less than 90 seconds for it to heat and froth the milk. You can have a latte in less than 1.5 minutes using the coffee machine and the Aeroccino.

    One thing with this brand, it is strictly coffee, so if you are wanting to make tea or hot cocoa or other drinks, it isn't going to be something that will work for you (I know some single serve makers give you that option). They do have different varieties of coffee (with varying strengths, both decaf and fully-leaded). Each cup ranges in price from $0.55-$0.65/cup. And we REALLY like the coffee. We tried doing the French press thing over the weekend too, and found ourselves missing our regular coffee (gave us a chance to try out the generator one morning).

    The Pixie pulls just under 1200 watts (1160w), which works fine (if I remember right, you can pull a max of 1600 watts). The Aeroccino pulls 400.

    I always joke with Mick that this has taken us from camping to 'glamping'! :)

    I will post a picture tomorrow. For some reason, my FTP has lost all of the login info, and I need Mick to log me back in.
  6. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Since I don't drink coffee I'd have a hard time paying that price!
  7. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    It was my one big splurge. Most everything else for the trailer was bought on sale or nabbed out of our backpacking kits or out of the house. Although, after seeing the Coleman hot water maker this weekend, our list of wishes got a smidge longer! That is awful nice!
  8. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    FTP is back up for me! Yeah! Here are 2 pictures.

    Stowed position:


    Brewing position:

  9. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Oh my that is nice!
  10. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    thanks for the link to the nespresso

    I prefer nespresso over the keurig, because I prefer the strength of the nespresso coffee over the keurig

    interesting device, though I'll probably stick with a stove-top espresso machine or the french press

    I hate the one-use container, even though I like the coffee they produce. (Pleasse don't feel that I'm judging anyone else's use of single-container.)

    I do wish the machines were less expensive. Nestle seems to have a monopoly.
  11. mewton

    mewton Novice

    I don't drink coffee a lot but when I do I use one of these, at home or camping.
    turkish coffee pot
    I drink it very strong and sweet but you can adjust it easily, best coffee I've ever had. My wife's family taught me how to do this. 1) heat the pot 2) add coffee (1 to 3 tablespoons per large coffee cup depending on desired strength) and heat until the coffee aroma is nice and strong, while shaking the pot of course 3) add water and bring to a boil, when the boil comes to the top remove from heat until the foam goes down all the way 4) bring to a boil again 5) bring to a boil again and remove from heat 6) wait 30 to 60 seconds for grounds to go to bottom and pour into cup either using a strainer or not, your preference.
  12. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    No offense taken! To each, their own!

    This works best for us because I often drink decaf, and if I do drink caf, it is not as strong as Mick drinks. Means we don't have to haul around 2 French presses. We have also burned out 3 grind and brew coffee makers (various makes...not just one brand) here at home, and this one has really kept up with is, with no trouble. I also like that the Nespresso capsules are recyclable, which I am not sure about with the other brands...not sure what they are made of. Can only speak from my own experience. I don't feel like I am creating more trash.
  13. rockytopsc

    rockytopsc Novice

    we use the smaller Keurig and have had only one problem using it while on the road. had electrical problems at Devils Lake but none since. we leave it in the box to transport and in the galley while camping. i drink coffee and angie drinks the teas, chai's, ciders, and hot chocolate.
  14. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    that's good news about the Nespresso capsules

    I do not believe the Keurig capsules are recyclable, and I did not think the nespresso ones were, but I have not seen a Nespresso capsule since I was in Switzerland last summer. Unfortunately, we have the Keurig at work. :-(

    Here is the eco page from Keurig:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  15. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  16. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    and now you know more than you ever wanted to know about single-serving coffee makers and the environment

  17. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Huh, I am guessing my recycling company may not be happy as I have been putting these in the bin!

    I thought as they are aluminum, they could be added. I bet they could be if I took the coffee out and rinsed them. I could compost the coffee easily. you have me thinking. That or I need to mail them to one of the stores for recycling. I know there are points through out the US...that was one reason I figured I could recycle them here. Our recycling tends to be very good, compared to some other places in the country (San Fran is better than we are though). Bummer!

    Thanks for setting me straight! ;)
  18. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    they are made of aluminum ANDplatcis

    and that's the problem, apparently

    I am guessing you (like all of us) have more important eco issues you can worry about than this. You'll likely do more "good" (eco-wise) if you make sure you car's tires are sufficiently inflated (than changing from the nespresso back to a bulk coffee approach)

    I think you should hold onto all your nespresso capsules, and at the end of the year, mail them to nespresso's corporate offices! Let THEM deal with it. ;)
  19. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    I use the Keurig myKcup and bulk coffee most of the time. It is easy to fill and easy to clean. But I keep a small variety of coffees in the kcups for guests. On the road I would probably use the kcups. By the way for a second use they are great for starting small plants for the garden.
  20. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    seeds will sprout in coffee grounds?


    [I like the MyKcup idea. For folks who don't know, that is a cup/capsule that is filled by YOU - not by Keurig. Takes away some of the convenience of the Keurig, but it improves the "eco" aspect of the Keurig. In the grand schme of things, you do more harm to the planet through inadequaste pressure in your car tires than you do throwing away 30 Keurig/Nespresso capsules/month, I bet.)

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