Serial #

Discussion in 'Tips & Tricks' started by mcjimjam, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Can any of you more experienced owners tell us where to find the serial number of our unit? We haven't picked ours up, as of yet, but we do have the final invoice. Should the serial number be listed on the invoice somewhere?
  2. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    When you pick yours up, Cary takes great pride in pointing out the serial number. It is located near the left side of the galley hinge. I'm not sure if you will find it on your paperwork - that's a question for Cary (or Betsie).
  3. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Evan! We'll just wait then, we wouldn't want to take away from Cary's chance to shine!!
  4. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Once you got it - let me know, and I'll officially add it to your pin on the map.
  5. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Will do! We are hating winter at the moment!! Looking forward to some warmer weather, so we can get on the road!
  6. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    We are certainly looking forward to warm weather as well. However, since we got our trailer, we have used it 4 times for winter camping - something we NEVER would have done otherwise. Our last trip we spent the night in the parking lot of a ski resort before skiing the next day. It was wonderful not to have to get up early to do a two hour drive!
  7. seastman

    seastman Newbie

    Hi folks,

    As an interesting historical note, early Camp-Inn trailers didn't have that coveted number plaque. Apparently some number of requests, Carey and Craig thought it a great idea, so they pored over their records and sent us early folks a plaque to install in our trailers. I see that they have reached about 350 as of this writing. Well, I guess we have a "vintage" 550 Ultra. It's number is 33! I drove to Wisconsin in April, 2004 to retrieve it, and it's now been over 40,000 miles, including three trips from California to Cape Cod. And still cookin' along. We attended Lake Perris over the weekend and Eileen and Tim, #322, parked next to us. It was fun checking out the differences.


    Skip Eastman
  8. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Skip is right about the early tears not having number plaques. There was a reason for this. It wasn't because they didn't think of doing it right away but more that they were afraid people might be a bit gun shy in buying a teardrop if they were to find out that their teardrop was #4, #10, #28 or even #33 in the build order. :eek:

    Eventually, people started asking what number their trailer would be. By then, about 50 had been built & it was thought that it might be a good time to start putting on the number plaques. And if the new trailers would be getting them then the earlier ones should as well. Now, even though they may not have all the current bells & whistles, it has actually become a cool thing to own an early Camp-Inn.

    Not many owners can say "I knew them when they were still building them in the 2 car garage (building #1)." Even fewer can claim theirs was built during the time when the business was relocated for a few months to a temporary facility (building #3) due to a fire in the hanger (building #2). Now they are in building #4 & conitnuing to grow. Teardrop #100 was a milestone...then #200...then #300...

    It's fun for us to look back and be able to tell what was happening when certain trailers were being built, what new options were being added at that time, what design changes were being implemented, etc. Kind of like watching your kids grow up & the joys & pains that come with it. That's why we like to keep track of where they go & what adventures they take. After all, it is our family!

    We've come a long way since teardrop #0 and hopefully, still have many more tears to build, options to be added & designs to be implemented.

    Through teardrops, we have met & camped with so many wonderful people (Camp-Inn & non Camp-Inn owners alike). And we have met some of our closet friends in doing so. What's not to like about that?

    A huge "Thank You" to all of you, because if it weren't for your sharing & supporting our vision, we wouldn't exist. I have often said to Craig, "You have a great job. Where else can you not only see your work from design to build, beginning to end, but make people happy, help them have fun, & best of all, bring people together (who otherwise would never have met) where they can form new friendships?"

    Sorry for the ramble...when I get started on something I am passionate about, it can get rather lengthy...but I have a feeling you all will understand. :)

    Betsey :cool:
  9. bherbig

    bherbig Novice

    I still remember getting the Christmas Card with our S/N plaque in it for our little camper and I went out in -10 degree weather to put it on. Jackie and I both thought that was the best thing you guys could have done and we thank you so much!!!!
  10. Alan Hill

    Alan Hill Novice


    It has been an enjoyable experience for Rachel and myself also. We still talk about that Saturday afternoon in February when we first walked throught the door to the hanger and saw our first six orders lined up. We felt bad keeping Cary and Craig out there on a Saturday for what must have been a good four hours. So much to see and learn. I have said many times that I could work for Camp-Inn and be a very "happy camper". It is a pleasure to work with everyone there. And one of these trips out we are going to finally meet you!
    We have also made so many friends through Camp-Inn. Some of them post on this fourm and some we have had great times camping with. And mutual friends from both sides develop friendships. (See what you guys started). Anyway, I have also been long-winded here. We look forward to many more years!

  11. Alan Hill

    Alan Hill Novice

    If anyone comes across a 550 Ultra out there with no number on it, contact me. I very well may have it. Our first 550 Ultra went to Mesa, AZ and when I sent out the tag it came back undeliverable. I have tried contacting the gentleman by phone and by email with no luck.
  12. rexwells

    rexwells Newbie

  13. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    Rex, The serial number is assigned during construction. The serial tag is mounted in the galley. Upper left, if I remember correctly. The serial began at 0.
    My wife and I picked ours up last Sept. We are #338.
    I see you will be getting yours soon. Very good.

    #338 550 Classic
  14. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    Issued your VIN and serial number last week. Yours is serial number 376. As Steve pointed out the serial number tag will be attached in the upper left hand corner of the galley where it is easy to show off. The VIN tag is on the driver's side forward trailer frame as per the DOT.


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