Misc Return To The Nest-how To Proceed?

Discussion in 'Camp-Inn Options & Accessories' started by LisaNKevin, Mar 27, 2021.

  1. LisaNKevin

    LisaNKevin Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We are contemplating a return to the Nest with our 2012 550 for a good going-over and possible upgrades.
    I have questions:
    1. Do we need to make an appointment (thinking this is an obvious ‘yes’)
    2. How long does a visit like this usually take? Few hours? Overnight?
    3. What are some things we might consider having them check on and upgrade? I have a few ideas but not sure what they offer.
      1. Brakes - adjust, check, repack bearings?
      2. Tires?
      3. Upgrade outlets to include USB ports
      4. Possibly install the battery charger that I bought and had shipped from CampInn then haven’t installed yet because the old one seems to be working okay now.

    Any other thoughts before I bother Cary? ;)

    Thanks in advance!
  2. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    Only CI can answer your questions lol. But if you need to stay overnight, the Nest does have an on site dry camping spot you can use.

    It’s best to just email and let them know your wish list. I did stop last year (with an appt) . I had the grab bars retro fitted. While there they gave mine a good look over. Fixed some things I didn’t know needed fixing, gave me advice to replace the tires after winter (new tires done locally a few weeks ago).

    For my health check and upgrade visit, I think it was about 4-5 hours. ymmv of course.

    Then of course you may decide you need more accessories...
    LisaNKevin and Ken & Peggy like this.
  3. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    ^^^^ DITTO ^^^^
    CampInn peeps are the ones to talk with ;)
  4. Jerry Kemp

    Jerry Kemp Junior Ranger

    The only correct answer here it to talk to Cary.
  5. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    I've been bothering Cary way too much. He would probably appreciate hearing from you or anybody else. LoL! :D
    Tour 931 and LisaNKevin like this.
  6. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    I would recommend you consider the washer/dryer upgrade.
    Air brakes are also very nice.
    LisaNKevin and Jerry Kemp like this.
  7. Jerry Kemp

    Jerry Kemp Junior Ranger

    well.......yea............for a lot of questions, maybe so. But for this one in particular, not sure that anyone one here could really take care of you, other than Cary.

    Either way, good luck with your repairs and upgrades.
    LisaNKevin likes this.
  8. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    Jerry, you got me mixed up with the OP. ;)
    LisaNKevin likes this.
  9. Jerry Kemp

    Jerry Kemp Junior Ranger

    Sorry about that. :(
    LisaNKevin likes this.
  10. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    No problem my friend, no problem. ;)
    LisaNKevin likes this.
  11. LisaNKevin

    LisaNKevin Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks for the feedback. I figured there may be a ‘typical’ list. :)
  12. Greg & Shelly

    Greg & Shelly Novice Donating Member

    I did a trip to CI for bearings and a brake inspection. It only took a few hours. CI doesn't do tires so I ordered new ones from etrailer and had a local shop mount and balance. Going to CI was a great experience. They said they never mind getting a camper back as it gives them the opportunity for a quick once over. During my appointment they also caulked a few known water problem areas and adjusted my axel crown. 5-star service and very reasonable rates.
    KarenBee and LisaNKevin like this.
  13. LisaNKevin

    LisaNKevin Junior Ranger Donating Member

    THAT's the kind of info I was looking for! Thanks much!
  14. KarenBee

    KarenBee Novice

    Thanks for this post and the responses. We will be taking ours there soon. Gotta pick it up first! (Used 560)
  15. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    To all readers:
    You must make the pilgrimage to the Nest, and use any excuse to do so. Its an American Icon, one of the Top Places in Cheeselandia.

    Serously, the coolest people ever, especially on the factory floor!

    checkout the showroom (bring visa card!...still regretting not snapping up a Bundawn...),

    See the map with pins on all CIs (anonymized of course)
    the campground...thoughtfully stocked with firewood piled ready to go!

    I hate to admit I chickened out my first night despite the offer of loan of keys to shower...but I had miles to go and a blizzard to beat...thats my excuse and sticking to it!

    Attached Files:

    Van_and_Terri likes this.
  16. dirty6

    dirty6 Ranger

    !! There are two more in Alaska?! I had no idea! I thought we were the only ones up there when we were living there.
    Kevin and Cary Winch like this.

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