Update Practicing My Pitch

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by Trippster, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. Trippster

    Trippster Novice

    I am in the process of placing our order for a 550 Ultra with Cary!
    So its time to get our sales pitch down when friends and strangers see our 550 Ultra for the first time.
    Based on some responses from this forum when strangers ask "Do you sleep in that?"
    I will say, "Sure do. Its stronger, cozier, warmer, cooler, and safer than a tent, and you don't have to dig a trench around it when it rains!"
    Or perhaps. "Do you sleep in that?"
    "Sure do, its more efficient, easier to setup, easier to put away, cheaper and more fun than any huge honking RV."
    Or perhaps. "Do you sleep in that?"

    What other questions do people ask?
    Thanks all, this is just the best forum!
    Ken and Kathy in Louisville
  2. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    My instructor used to say, "There is no such thing as a stupid question."

    Oh, I beg to differ.....

    But you are wise to have zippy answers ready as they will make the silly questions so entertaining. I used to work security in our local court house. That building had an escalator fully visible in the main hall right next to the elevators and stairs. Right there, in full view of everyone, and still we would get bone head questions.

    For example:

    "Do the escalators go up and down?"
    "No. The escalators are stationary, but you can go up and down on them.."

    "Do I have to take the elevator to the 10th floor?"
    "No. You can walk, but it's a heck of a climb."

    "How do I get to the escalator?" (this is with the questioner staring right at the damn things.)
    "Just walk straight ahead until your feet hit the tread."

    So be ready. Jim and I are storing up a load of snappy retorts which I am sure we will use. Jim has a few favorites:

    "Where did you get that thing?"
    "We just picked it up at Bass Pro. It's called 'Vacation in a Can'."

    "Does it get any bigger?"
    "Yes, when it grows up it becomes an Airstream."

    "Do you sleep in that?"
    "Only when we're tired."

    "Do you sleep in that?"
    "No. We prefer to bunk on the roof, but we keep falling off."

    "Do you sleep in that?"
    "Only when I'm in trouble with the wife...."

    "Did you buy that thing?"
    "No. It followed us home and mom said we could keep it."

    "That must be hard to take care of."
    "Not really. Just don't feed it after midnight and don't let it get wet..."

    See, fun is where you find it. By the way, can we borrow the "No" answer? It's just so good.

    Jim and Sue
  3. Trippster

    Trippster Novice

    Jim and Sue,
    Just perfect responses! I love 'em! They are a hoot!
    We are stealing them, you can have ours!
    Ken and Kathy in Louisville
  4. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    The number one question I get asked (when not at a campground) is 'is that for dogs?' it amazes me that most people think it's a dog trailer. When at campgrounds the questions are more logical, usually wondering were the bathroom is.
  5. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    We have seen the dog question also. Interestingly enough we found that one to be a geographical question. Pretty much only gets asked in the southeastern states. So, the fact you are running into it often makes complete sense.

  6. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    We were asked the dog question a couple ofinths back and it shocked me so much that I broke out laughing right in their face! I told them no but that we feed it Grow Pup in the hopes that
    it would grow into an Airstream!
  7. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    The responses I hear are usually:

    "That is neat"

    can I see it.

    Waiting for the other questions posted above.

  8. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Does it pop up?

    Is that the trunk?
  9. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Is that a horse trailer for dogs?
    Yes, we race greyhounds.

    ...while filling up the 8 gallon fresh water tank...
    Wow, does that trailer run on water?
    No, but the car does.
  10. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Lord I love people!

    They are just sooooooo much fun. And in regards to the above Smart-Alec answers (as Sister Clarissa Marie would call them), so long as you say them with a smile on your face and sunshine in your heart, everyone can join in the fun. We have to be able to laugh at ourselves in order to survive these days. But this forum crowd needn't worry-seems we are all really, really good at that.

    And I love it! Keep it going!!!

  11. Alan Hill

    Alan Hill Novice

    My favorite so far was a guy in in the toll booth on the Ohio Tpke.

    What is that?
    A travel trailer.
    You sleep in that?
    Get the hell outta here!
  12. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    You all are hilarious! Love the responses you have given (or thought of). Think I will keep them in my back pocket. I have been asked several times if it is an Airstream (just shows that their marketing is working, and what people associate with brands!). Never been asked if it is a dog trailer, but I have been asked how many can sleep in there, if you have to sleep with you legs bent up to you chest, and where the bathroom is (which I usually respond, wherever I want it! We have the port a-John we can set up where we want!). Another thing that Happens a lot is:
    People walk over and start looking right in the open doors (the screens are zipped closed), and once they notice me, they then ask if they can look inside. Ummmm, you already are! That is all there is. It isn't a Mary Poppins bag, where it is bottomless.
    They are always impressed with the layout and how all of the space is used in the smartest way.
  13. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    The dog trailer question is not so out of line, I have seen the "proffesinal" dog show people or the sport hunting dogs being carried in trailers that are not too far from being a TD. But no where near as elaborate as the so called equestian show folks.
  14. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    Im looking for a couple of alien masks that we can wear while towing the Camp Inn Spacecraft as they cant stop looking as they drive past. It makes driving slower more fun watching the watchers.
  15. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    I'm with you Barry & Annie! Treckies Rule!
  16. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger


    That'll teach you to stray, wandering about at a sedate speed and holding up all those anxious black pick-up types! LOL!!!!

    I'll say it again: fun is where you find it.

    Sue and Jim
  17. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member


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