Picked Up Raindrop #1076 04/05/23

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by MikeandChar, Apr 6, 2023.

  1. MikeandChar

    MikeandChar Novice

    My wife and I just picked up our new 560 Ultra yesterday and drove it home today. We are beyond excited to begin our adventures. We have our first camping trip planned in a couple weeks.
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Wohoo! Can't wait to hear about them :)
    Kevin likes this.
  3. Kelle Brooks

    Kelle Brooks Newbie

    We are 1077!
  4. MikeandChar

    MikeandChar Novice

    Had our first camping trip this past weekend. Weather was all over the place. Very nice Saturday during the day to the point needed the AC to stay cool in the camper. Late afternoon turned cloudy and rainy for a couple hours. Saturday night a cold front came through and we huddled up in the camper with the heat on. Through all of that the 560 performed great keeping us cool, warm, and dry. Love it and can’t wait to use it more.
  5. Kibzee

    Kibzee Newbie

    Congrats! much enjoyment down the road.
  6. fladawg

    fladawg Newbie

    My 560 is number 825. Still performing well. Only a few issues. Good luck and happy camping.
    Kevin and Sweeney like this.

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