Announcement Pending Contract Delivery...

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by JimandSheri, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. JimandSheri

    JimandSheri Newbie

    Jim and I are patiently waiting for our contract to arrive and we will be hand delivering in early December! Expected arrival date of June 7th...plenty of time to get to know 'our very own 550 Ultra'! I'm way excited! Why wait for retirement - enjoy life now!
  2. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

  3. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Good for you! Why wait indeed.

    Camp On,

  4. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    JimandSheri great idea thats what we did now we are retired. :)
  5. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    I put the contract in the mail box this morning!

  6. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Welcome to the forum! And congrats on your new teardrop! We were going to wait to get ours, but quickly decided to go ahead and take the plunge, like you. We're glad we did, and I'm sure you guys will be, too.
  7. Congratulations! You will have your 550 just in time to enjoy the nicest part of summer!
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    You'll love it! Just wait til delivery's an experience. :)
  9. Deb

    Deb Novice

    Welcome to the forum! Congratulations on your new 550. Once the build starts, don't forget to watch it growing in the nest!
  10. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Jim & Sheri,

    While you wait, have fun looking at all the toys you can get to trick out your new baby. Jim (my Jim) and I had a blast window shopping and checking out all the great ideas on this forum (Jenn has some especially good ones).

    So, have you picked a name yet?

    Camp On,

    Sue and Jim
  11. JimandSheri

    JimandSheri Newbie

    Thank you all! To Cary, we got the contract see you on the 7th! We have a list of names started...seen some pretty good ones on here too. Jim has done more exploring on here than I, but I'm looking forward to meeting new friends! This is a second dream come true this year for us. We got our Tandem bicycle this spring. We are enjoying our rides and can not wait to introduce the bike and camper!!
  12. JimandSheri

    JimandSheri Newbie

    Hi all! Well, the signed contract & major payment were dropped off yesterday at Camp Inn! It was great to see Craig, Cary and the shop again. We got to see the #500 (Wow got some great features-may request one of them) along with Craig's original camper (that started the company). Oh also we got to see Jenn's baby as well! Now we are considering a refrigerator. Oh so many things/ideas....glad you are all here to share them. I love this feeling of 'family' and the common bond we now share! Camp on! Camp on!
  13. Duke

    Duke Newbie

    Jim & Sheri:

    Congratulations. You made the right choice about not waiting. We pulled the trigger on getting a Camp-Inn for the same reason, hated to be missing out on all the camping we could be doing. Best of times to you with your new trailer.
  14. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Well, good for you! Dropping that deposit in the mail was the best thing we've done in a long time. And, boy, was it worth it! We have had some grand adventures and you are in for the time of your lives!

    Glad you got to see Jenn's baby...did she leave any bandanas in it?

    Longing to hear the name you've chosen...and you should name your bike, too. Don't want it to get jealous.

    Camp On,

  15. JimandSheri

    JimandSheri Newbie

    this naming thing is very difficult! The bike & camper! I am feeling so blessed this year! Boy I have been dreaming about camping & biking too! Major withdrawal going on! Glad you are all here to visit with...
    Merry Christmas!
  16. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Hey, We aim to please. You've entered a new world...with a brand new family.

    Merry Christmas, too.

    Camp On

    Sue and Jim
  17. JimandSheri

    JimandSheri Newbie

    We are getting close to going into production woo hoo!
  18. JimandSheri

    JimandSheri Newbie

    see new post '#588 is due to be completed May 6th'

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