Owyhee, Or Overland Trip

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by CampInnGlampin, Jun 23, 2024 at 4:22 PM.

  1. CampInnGlampin

    CampInnGlampin Junior Ranger

    Just got back from our overland trip with the teardrop. It performed fantastic. Definitely a bit bouncy considering no actual shocks, but otherwise did great with no issues.

    Few pics and a video


    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024 at 4:48 PM
  2. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Great pics and wonderful video.

    Looks like another confirmation the Playing with Sticks CI review video ending where Cary pointed out these 550's were designed and built as off road capable.

    Plus standard off-roading good technique driving in 4x4 lo low low means you can just about go "anywhere a Jeep Gladiator can...".

    ...Tacoma 4runner is even better imho!

    PS: "awww who's a good dog?!"
    CampInnGlampin likes this.
  3. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    There was a TV show about 10 to 15 years ago where teams raced across Alaska. A team in a factory 4 Runner kept up with the specialized vehicles.
    CampInnGlampin and Kevin like this.
  4. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Seems like the heavily modded winter rigs in Iceland are all Toyos. Bummed we cant get the diesel here...
    CampInnGlampin likes this.
  5. SethB

    SethB Ranger

    Super nice! There are a few moments at 2:11 in the clip that look like rear steer crabbing, they seem a big clue on how steep that jeep trail really is!

    Also looks like your hitch and suspension mods got a full workout… well done!

    PS for those unfamiliar, the camera tends to underreport just how steep a trail is. This looks pretty d**** steep in some places.
    CampInnGlampin and Kevin like this.
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    4 runners are amazing bits of engineering. Skid plates and a better tire and you're pretty much sorted for most anything you'll run in too unless youre doing crazy stuff...I wanted one, but they were just a little out of my comfort zone price wise. I wish I had gotten one about 8 years ago....
    Kevin and CampInnGlampin like this.

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