Outdoor Photo Magazine

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fpoole, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Outdoor Photography – A Photog’s Tear Drop and Camp Inn links.
    I subscribe to the OP Magazine and there was an article on a Photog who had a tear drop that he was using to photograph
    Hwy 89 from the Mexican border to Canada.

    There was a little blub included about the Tear Drops and links to Camp Inn. Just thought it was interesting.

    They are the best of both worlds and perfect for that type of outing. I was thinking the same thing for shooting around the country. Nice…
    I don't have the magazine with me, but the Trip on Hwy 89 sounded interesting as it covered several Nat'l parks right up the middle of the USA.


    Just thought it was kinda kewl. looked like he built his TD but it did have the Camp Inn link.
  2. Trippster

    Trippster Novice

    This is the article that became the catalyst for me to search for a teardrop. As a photographer I needed a way to travel around to great locations without spending an arm and a leg on hotels. I just didn't think I would be spending so much on a TD. Haha.
    Oh well, you can't take it with you.
    Thanks for posting and Merry Christmas to all!
    Ken in Louisville
  3. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    That would be a great trip.
  4. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah Ken,
    It's a perfect setup, quick easy too move and out of the weather. I'm surprised Camp Inn doesn't place an Ad or two in there just to see what a response it might get. Cary?? heheh...
    While I got it mainly for Dive Campouts, Photography was in the back of my mind also. Along with other stuff too..
  5. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    thanks, Frank, for the link. We had considered taking part of this route on our way back from our "Big Trip 2011" but it looked like snow in Utah. Maybe this spring.

  6. Ahoy Mates!

    Ahoy Mates! Novice

    That trip looks like a great plan for next summer!! Thanks for posting it.
  7. Ahoy Mates!

    Ahoy Mates! Novice

    Kathy or Bob,
    We are planning to do the Route 89 trip this year. The only concern is the weather extremes. Not being familiar with that area both north and south we are looking for guidance on when to plan this odyssey. Do you or anyone have any guidance for us?
    Thanks to fpoole for posting about this.
  8. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Jenn, by all means post about roads traveled. If we get enough of them, Sarah may put them in a special section.

    Wow, this looks like a fun trip. Just need about 6 weeks to do it. :)
  9. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Dave and Rene - No, we haven't done it. From our reading about the Utah national parks and monuments, appears that temperature changes are related to elevations. My understanding is that Spring and early Fall are probably the best bets, because Summer can get really hot, but of course as you move north, you can get snow in Idaho and Montana even in late Spring. I would also welcome feedback.


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