Olympic North West 5 Weeks

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by pat walsh, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    So we left MN today headed to KOA near Midland, SD. Near Worthington Mn the cell phone screamed a tornado alert. The sky turned green and swirling oh my gosh wind, downpours, hail, ponding on the road, highway flooded so detoured - but here we are safe and sound and happy in our Sweet Retreat in Belvedeer KOA. Our mattress is wet about 6" in on each side but we use sleeping bags and they were not unrolled so they are dry. A handy tarp on the bed and we are ready to sleep.

    I had put tape on the vents and it stayed dry but just checked here on the forum and it is the window drains that folks cover with tape. Not sure where they are will look again in the daylight. Tomorrow heading for paradise valley MT so will have to try to dry as we go.
  2. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Safe travels Pat.
  3. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yahooo, you're on your way. Keep us posted on your travels. So much to see. Have fun.
  4. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Jenn thanks for the detail on the vents. We never had this problem before but we have never been in that kind of wind and rain and driving through a foot or so of water it was crazy! The curtains were wet half way up.

    We are in Livingston MT tonight and it looks like we will get up to rain in the morning and then to Spokane where we may have rain too - but hey we are on vacation and loving it.

    Joan & Pat thanks just driving through this beautiful country of ours is so refreshing.
  5. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Jenn, you are right. Pulled the mattress out when we arrived in Spokane - puddles under it. Happy to have a dryer close by and tape to prevent future events till we get the new drains at Camp Inn. All big big rigs got a looky look with all are gear spread out -- not too many comments.
  6. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Sounds like a memorable trip already! Have a great time! We're following in about 10 days, so will be watching for your highlights so we know where to go... ;)
  7. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    I don't know if this helps, but we put Macks waterproof earplugs inside the "circle" below the curtains to help with outside water splash. Just pressed them right in, they fit snug and tight and you can pry them back out easily and reuse again. Our 4NA CAN is only a year and a half old so we already have the newer vents. We have not had any real water problems and we have been thru some heavy rains here in Florida while traveling.
    Hope the sun comes out for you!
  8. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    I saw the new vents on Snugglebug at NWRU. Might look into that after our trip. No time right now! We are fully in T-minus mode! Now if Mick would hurry up and get back from Israel! He is on a flight right now, so home tomorrow. We should get a solid 12 hours with him before we leave (that is awake time), because he will sleep for a good 12 hours (with naps and such) or we will be asleep. That timing wasn't ideal, but we planned for it!
  9. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    We arrived in WA today staying at Timberlake campground above the Columbia Gorge near Stevenson. A nice treed quiet place. The day was dry so we kept our windows open a 1/2" like Jenn suggested and everything is dry. Will be here 3 days so we can rest up from the cross country drive. A glass of wine in a dry campsite is really nice tonight.
  10. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger


    Hate to put a damper on things. Rain is expected tonight for us, so you will probably see some later tonight. It is supposed to pass though, and be dry until Tuesday, getting up in the 80s. That could all change because our weather guys get it right about 40% of the time in the spring (they do better in the fall/winter and summer). The good stuff is coming!
  11. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Three days gives you some time to explore the area. I don't know the area so can't give any recommendations. What are your travel plans from there?
  12. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Oh Oh,sorry I missed meeting you. I hope you are having a great trip around our beautiful state. Are you coming back through this way and over Washington Pass or going on down the Oregon coast? Lots to see either way. Have fun.
  13. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Well here we are in Kenniwick, WA staying in a motel as it was 111 degrees and just too hot to camp in full sun. Full sun is all you get in Kenniwick. We did pretty much our full planned trip as first entered. Went as far as the Red Woods in CA and then back up the OR coast to Astoria. Started aiming back to MN today. We had a wonderful trip shared a couple of fun days with Bob and Kathy and a couple of fun visits with Jenn. Kathy gave me a test of the Starbucks Via coffee which worked well for me. Bob oiled our locks (what a difference that made) and they gave us a lighter for the propane stove which we had forgoten at home. And Kathy made us some beautiful placemats for our dining. which we really enjoy. Thanks Kathy and Bob. Jenn joined us for a cool evening in our Northern Breeze flaps down and little heater on 56 degrees outside but comfortable in the NB. She also helped us setup the REI Alcove for the first time and added the bungee cords - thanks Jenn.

    We had a lot of visitors in parking lots, gas stations as well as campgrounds. All aclaimed the beauty of our 550.

    We had a good amount of fog and most days were 59 degrees and lower at night. No heavy rain events after South Dakota. Lots of damp morning from fog.

    Lots of friendly and helpful people. One little 10 yr old girl put a written note on our tear "This is Amanda let me know if I can help you." Many teen age to little boys admiring the tear.

    A few misshaps -- see the confessional. Many backing up lessons.

    Overall a wonderful time!
    miles: 7,450

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