Ok, I'm confused

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by Ladymc, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Expecting the trailer delivery this afternoon I MUST have proper locks. I had previously ordered a Brinks total trailer security kit :

    http://www.amazon.com/3050-029-2-Trailer-Security-Orbital-Coupler/dp/B000LS8ZYE Now from what I understand this is to secure the trailer to the tow vehicle, but not necessarily to keep it from being stolen, am I correct?

    Then today as a precaution I purchased a universal coupler lock - not a Reese, but it looks like this:


    So do I need both or will the first one take care of both problems? I don't have a claw and won't be getting one I don't think. I can return the second one - I just purchased it a bit ago. Thanks for your quick replies!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  2. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    It is a little bit redundant. The first kit has everything you need which is a good setup to get. The second thing you ordered is similar to the red thing shown in the first picture. But, this second one is probably a better setup. So, I think you will use both items you purchased. You will just have more stuff than you need.

  3. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  4. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    WOW Joan! Thanks for the input - I watched that video and figured it out real quick! Cary - take a look under customer reviews and it's the first review - it has a 10 sec. video that shows how easy it is to break into! Wow....Thanks again Joan!
  5. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Linda, the Brinks set is all you need. Of course, it won't protect you from guys like Cary with a flat bed...

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