Oh boy, a weekend spent showing off the Camp-Inn

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by George Johnson, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. I don't have that much experience but I'm sure this is an exception. We were out this weekend and there was a huge group that home schools their kids (their association has over 500 families)camping at the same site. We were like a magnet to these people. I didn't count but I am almost sure we showed our 550 no less than 30 different times. Wives would come by and "ohh and awe" over the kitchen and their husbands would come back a short time later and I happily showed them the fine craftsmanship and exceptional components on our trailer. It's easy to see, this is not your typical RV. I had people just walking into camp saying, "You must be George, do you mind if we check your trailer out?" It was crazy but it was also a blast. I know that two couples were very serious about looking into the Camp-Inn further (sure wish Evan's 560 was there). My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed every time we got to show our 550 off.

    Because of the group, the best part of the weekend was the throngs of children our grand kids made friends and played with. At any given moment we would have a group of ten kids in our camp and then we wouldn't even see our girls for an hour.

    The home school group invited us to all their events. Their talent show was the best. I was amazed that kids, 5 years old were more than happy to entertain in front of a hundred plus people. One 7 year old girl played a violin to music she had personally written. You couldn't even get me to do a school play at seven let alone compose music and do a solo on an instrument.

    Another highlight, I talked to the owner of the Sport Hut in Packwood, WA about fly fishing. Because of the visit, I am going to be boon-docking for the first time next weekend. The owner of the shop showed me where he caught an 18" cut throat trout (he jokingly said "I hooked ya, didn't I?" when he told the story) on Johnson creek, just outside of Packwood.

    A fantastic weekend with our little Camp-Inn.
  2. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    I think I would set up visiting times and post the list at entrance to my site. "Open House" 11:00 AM Tour and questions after tour! :D :D
  3. LOL, great idea George. Everyone was exceptionally polite and it really didn't help being the camp site next to the water and outhouse... maybe they were visiting us out of necessity? :)
  4. Hilditch

    Hilditch Novice

    George, you sure do have a lot to learn about owning a teardrop.

  5. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    I know! I can't wait to start my education
  6. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    I can sure relate to this. I don't know if we had 30 visits but I think next time we camp I am going to keep a count just for fun. One thing we found about people visiting to see our tear is we always felt comfortable in the campground because we had met so many of the people in the campground. If I ever move again (unlikely) I think I will park my tear in the drive so I can easily meet the neightborhood.
  7. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    One of the pleasures of a Camp-Inn is you don't apologize for anything. I have found if you just give someone an invite, no matter how causual, they will want to take you up on it.
  8. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    Maybe a guest book. First names and their hometown. That may be interesting.
  9. I have found this out, to my surprise, that everyone I have invited and said they will return, has done so. If someone comments on it, I'll invite them in. But I am eager to show my CI off. We already have two trips planned with people we have met camping, so inviting people into camp isn't a bad thing.

    I only wish I had some brochures to give them. None were sent with the trailer(getting some is on my list of to-dos) and I haven't remembered calling Cary about it until after I get out camping (and NO phone service).
  10. Great idea! I'm definitely going to start one.
  11. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Consider him called...I've passed your message along to him. :)

    Enjoy your travels!

  12. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    Yup, consider me called. Betsey let me know you asked.

    I will get you a set and get that sent out. I will send it along with some more Walbernize, to finish your trailer clean up we talked about.

  13. Thanks Betsy
  14. Thanks Cary. It was quite a chore getting it cleaned up but I'm still happy as a clam. I'll email you.
  15. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Good idea. I may do that too.
  16. Cal429

    Cal429 Novice

    I'd take exception to one comment: "I'm sure this is an exception." Nope, if you're referring to having people stare, approach, photograph, comment, etc., you'll probably find it isn't the exception. My grandson and I this week just finished our 3,000 mile round trip from Albuquerque to Necedah and back (560 Ultra, #380, is now on the loose!) and I can't tell you how many times he told me from the back seat, "Pappy, those people slowed down and are staring at our trailer."

    One amusing anecdote. We'd pulled in at a truck stop somewhere in the midwest to fill up, and were right next to one of those most-hugest-in-the-world kinda bus-sized, humongous camping [sic] machines that must have cost upwards of $250k. A very sophisticated-looking and sounding woman walked over, took the once-around, and smiled as she asked, "Mind if I look through the windows?" "Nope, go right ahead." She loved it. She said they get seven miles per gallon in theirs. Mine lowered my gas mileage by about three miles per gallon at 65mph on the trip home, much better than I had anticipated.

    Several other times people asked about it and/or took pictures at roadside rests, fuel stops, etc.

    What a satisfying experience it is having a Camp-Inn!
  17. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Congratulations, Jim. Hopefully you'll have time to give us a more detailed report of your trip!
  18. I hadn't even taken our Camp-Inn out on a trip and realized these things are an attention magnet. People would comment while it was just in my driveway. My comment only referred to showing it (as in a complete tour) so many times in one trip. From the sounds of it, it really isn't completely out of the norm at all.

    BTW Jim, congrats on the 560.
  19. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Wow Jim, nice mileage report. Gotta love those 560s for mileage, they really are clean behind SUVs like yours.


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