NW Area: Want to look at trailer in person

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by JBird, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. JBird

    JBird Newbie

    Hello all,

    My boyfriend and I are wanting to buy a 550 Ultra. However, they are so expensive! Before we buy, we would really love to see a 550 in person.

    Would anyone living in the Portland or Seattle area be willing to get together to show us their 550 camper in person?

    Thank you,

  2. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    See PM sent earlier, let me know what works best for you. You might contact the Camp Inn Mfg as they have a more extensive listing...
  3. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    We have a 560 in Portland you are welcome to look at. It will give you an idea of the finishing and the galley is the same. Not sure if that is of interest.

    Otherwise, Frank is a good option, or like he said, contact Camp-Inn and they will be able to put you in touch with someone who owns a 550.
  4. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    I'm sure there is a 550 in Portland somewhere... but if not, the 560 is identical except for the addition of the couch.
  5. JBird

    JBird Newbie

    Thank you all. Cary from Camp-Inn did put me in contact with someone in Beaverton who owns a 550 Ultra. We are going to look at it Friday. They are so expensive!
  6. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Expensive, maybe, but I think everyone that has one will agree, well worth it.. like the difference in cars... Chevy or Benz..... you make the call.. but I can tell you???

    Out in the weather, especially PNW aka Wind/Rain/cold... quality does make a difference.. as you're inside all warm and toasty, NO LEAKS watching DVD of Some Mega Sharktopus, LOL destroying planet Earth.. sweet. and no leaks... did I mention that?? LOL..


    (of course change the DVD title to something a little more to your tastes)
  7. JBird

    JBird Newbie

    Haha great thank you! My parents have a pop-up tent camper, so we entertained the idea of getting one of those for about 2 minutes because they are so cheap. But they take so long to set up and take down, they are heavy and big, and you have to dry them out after rain. We also thought about a normal camper trailer for about 1 minute, but those don't really feel like camping.

    A teardrop trailer seems like the only thing that will suit us besides a good old tent. Now it's just a matter of choosing which one: Camp-Inn, Little Guy, So-Cal, Cozy Cruiser, or old vs homemade vs new. Camp-Inn seems like the best teardrop out there, but one of the more expensive options. Shipping to Portland is going to be about $1,600!!
  8. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Or, drive out and get it and camp the whole way back.
  9. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, as I said, they're the best of both worlds.

    I drove out to get mine, enh? 2 days, left Wed, arrived Friday morning before they opened, left 2 hrs later, back in Seattle around Sunday noon. Camping back would have been best, but I didn't have time. Just a simple pick up and outta there... If I wasn't sleeping, I was driving...

    Anyway, good luck on the decision, just picture it 2 years from now with the Pop-up in mind re: quality... it does make a difference...
    Have fun... heheh..

    Set up? - Back in, pick up and move around, unlock, unlock, unlock, open back hatch, done.. Bedrooms are open, kitchen is open, good to go.. the rest are details... lol..


  10. Lh303

    Lh303 Novice

    If you can spend the time, factory pickup is the best option. You get the tour which in itself is almost worth the long drive, then best of all you get to camp on the way back, this maidenrun kind of reinforces all of the tips that you got from Cary at the factory.

    As to the expense, you get what you pay for, we looked at many of the others out there and always came back to the Camp-Inn. I like the fact that there is not a square inch of particle board in the entire unit. Everything is marine grade vs RV grade. Based on the quality of the build I will be able to leave this to my kids since it will be pretty near impossible to wear out.

    Last but not least there is the after point of sale service. Of the minor issues that I have had, all of them have been solved via an E-mail. Response has been intantaneous and the problem has been fixed. This was a real concern of ours since we are far removed from the factory. Turns out this was a non issue.

    We have now had the 550 Ultra a little over a year with over 50 nights in it, and we can honostly say it has been the best recreational dollar we have ever spent.
  11. Dave

    Dave Novice

    Hi Jessica,

    Two things. They are the most high priced that I have seen. However, they seem to me to be the best, no question. We have had ours for a couple of years and have never regretted buying it,for all of the reasons the others have stated. The quality is tremendous.

    Also, If you can, go to the factory and pick it up. You'll get to meet everybody there who had a hand in building yours and will get first hand instructions on how to do everything pertaining to it. I think we spent 4 hours with Cary and Craig when we got ours. They are the best. If you ever have a problem you'll be taken care of.

    And, by the way, we drove up from Florida.
  12. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” – Benjamin Franklin
    Something’s are timeless.

    Reasons to buy a Camp Inn: High quality camper, Excellent!!!! service after the sale, great people at the factory.....

    BTW We drove to WI to pick ours up; it’s worth the trip if you have the time.

    Lovin life in our Camp Inn,

  13. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger

    We are about to go pick up ours and our story is even more complicated because we have to go to Cincinnati to get a car first... then drive to Necedah to get the trailer... then drive to Seattle... camping all the way back. Really looking forward to it. The Rambler has been born - just waiting for the parents to pick it up.

    From my experience at the Northwest Camp Inn Roundup... there wasn't anyone who was disappointed and Jenn had plenty of stories where Cary was personally help her adjust her rig for her full time deployment.

    I think if you see Evan's stereo installation - you'll be sold on the company ;^)
  14. JB

    JB Novice

    Remember, if you can afford it it's not good enough.... They are good rigs, you will not be disappointed.

  15. JB

    JB Novice

    Sorry about the Bimmer.
  16. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heyya Dave & Linda,
    Great that you'll be able to campout on the way back. Great way to break it in... fun trip...
  17. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger

    Hey Frank.... it was great - just as you predicted!!! Didn't need the furnace though.... ;^))

    See the other posts.
  18. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh.. no furnace??? LOL...Yet that is...
    The time is coming, Fall is around the corner and that's when the Camping Season begins...
    Let the Games begin..

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