Next Shuttle Launch

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ladymc, May 16, 2011.

  1. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Since Bill worked at NASA for 33 yrs. we're thinking of going to the last Shuttle launch and I'm asking if anyone knows of a good place to stay in that area? Also maybe along the way from Texas to Florida for an overnight stay or maybe 2 days, depending on what our plans are. Still want to make Necedah in September, so if we do this it'll be a short trip (as in quick, not short!) But it's a once in a lifetime deal. I remember the first time we saw a Shuttle launch on TV and when they did that roll we thought it was going down...We saw Apollo 16 launch, but never a Shuttle - gotta do it. Sorry I chased a rabbit trail. Campgrounds anyone? Or State parks you know are good? On second thought we may take in Disney World a bit and could stay there - anyone used that campground before?
  2. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Just park your Camp-Inn as close as you can to the launch site and set up your chaise lounge chairs. :)
  3. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    Hi Linda,

    This is in our neck of the woods. For anyone coming you need to get there early. There were 500,000 for the canceled launch a few weeks ago. Not sure how many were here on Monday. It ties up traffic for hours.

    Some recommendations for camping:
    1. Jetty Park Brevard County / be first choice right on the ocean no need to travel any where and its as close as you can get. We watched several launches from there when we were in college many many years ago. Its not much of a campground but location location location....
    2. Not too far away in Melbourne FL. is Wickam Park another county park nice park not much going on in the area. Its been 30 years since we camped there.
    3. A little further away is Anastasia State park in St Augustine we camped there in February real nice park plenty of room between most site some small but the Reserve America site is helpful in picking your spot in FL State Park.

    There are other state parks and commercial campgrounds in the area as well but we have no first hand knowledge.

    Best to book as soon as they announce the launch date.

    The best viewing spot for the launch for us mere mortals not able to watch from KSC visitor center is across the Indian river in Titusville north of State Road 50. Best place is Space view Park. However, lots of places will charge to stay on their property with Camper right on the river with the same view. Remember, this is Florida in the summer staying in your Camp Inn with no electric ( AC) may be a might uncomfortable.

    If you planning to come this way you will travel right past our front door. We might be able to meet if our schedules work out.

    We have seen several Shuttle Launches from Titusville they are spectacular and well worth the trip. A word of caution they only launch one time about half the time so you may need to stay an extra few days.

    We also have camped at WWD many years ago it was pricy but great. No need to use the car once you get on Disney grounds use their transportation and there are other perks as well.

    Let me know if you want any additional info.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  4. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Hey Benn,
    Thanks for all the input. I can't believe this, but I talked to Bill again and he's saying "no way" is he going to get caught up in that traffic for hours and hours. The best part of your post was the part about hooking up with you and Meribeth possibly. Oh well, I guess another time instead of a launch. But since our Raindrops are "Crib Buddies" they need to see one another again! We're # 406!
  5. Bunni

    Bunni Novice


    They are talking about an early July launch if that happens around the 4th of July it will be very crowed around the space center. If, you can get a reservation at Jetty Park or close by on the Indian River you would be fine and not have to deal with the traffic. Watch the launch from the beach or riverside then go back to your Camp Inn and enjoy the beverage of your choice while all the other folks are stuck in traffic.

    Anytime you are in the Daytona area let us know we are only about 15 Min. from I-95.
  6. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    I think the date is June 28th but I may be wrong. Sounds good to me, but Bill's balking...gotta wait and see. Thanks!
  7. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    The problems with Endeavour has pushed back Atlantis' launch. There isn't a date yet. The schedule just says "Early July+". I think they rolled it out to be stacked yesterday.


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