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Announcement New To Forum

Discussion in 'Announcements & Build Journals' started by Bev, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Bev

    Bev Novice

    Hi everyone! I am brand new to the forum. Today I mailed off my deposit and contract. Needless to say, I'm so excited! Thank you for all the topics, pictures, and hints on the forum.
  2. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Welcome to the forum, Biscuit! I know just how you feel...we mailed ours off last week so our trailers will probably be in the nursery together!
  3. Bev

    Bev Novice

    Thank you for the welcome! So, I just had to go browsing in the store with my teardrop shopping list in hand, when I overheard a couple discussing the electric blankets being on a super sale, and how no one would be buying one of those with the temps being in the 90's outside. I wonder what they thought when they were behind me in the check-out with my $24.99 (reg. $89.99) electric blanket purchase! ....never too early to start checking off my list!
  4. Dahava

    Dahava Novice

    Ha! Yeah, we've been giving Amazon a run for their (our) money! The poor UPS guy is here every day!
  5. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    What a wonderful coincidence, I also mailed in my contract and check today for a new Camp Inn trailer due end of November. Cary mentioned that he had a busy week.
  6. Janet G.

    Janet G. Newbie

    We are picking ours up Thanksgiving week...if all goes as planned!
  7. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Biscuit welcome your going to have the time of your life,planning for and than getting your Camp Inn teardrop.
  8. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Welcome to the forum. Happy shopping.
  9. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    Not sure WHEN you'll really need the electric blanket...but I'm glad you didn't pass up a good buy!
    Welcome Aboard!
  10. Bev

    Bev Novice

    Hey, thank you all for the welcome!

    I found out about the Cobb grill on the forum, which I plan to try out over the upcoming long holiday weekend.

    I'll keep an eye out for upcoming posts from Janalina, Michaelo and Dan & Vanessa......this sure is exciting for each of us having Camp-Inn build our teardrops. Before you know it, we'll all be on the road too!
  11. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Welcome Biscuit! Boy, a whole group of vocal nearly-gottas! I love it! Things were getting a bit quiet around here with everyone on the road. Come November you all will get it! Congrats to all on your orders! Exciting times await!
  12. Bev

    Bev Novice

    ok, so....I'm hanging out at home wishing I was getting to meet the wonderful cast of characters on this forum at the Camp-Inn Camp-Out and seeing all your set-ups. Since I can't join you this time, would you do me a favor if you go to headquarters? My CI is on the production list for this week, if you see my tear in the nest drop me a quick line. Of course a pic would be icing on the cake, even if it's just two pieces of wood glued together! :)

    Ahhhhh, the excitement of the build start, wonder what # my baby tear will be (it's the little things that help me pass the time until delivery)!

    Everyone have fun at the Camp-Inn Camp-Out!
  13. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Hi Biscuit
    I'm curious, since we sent our checks in on the same day our TDs are most likely nest mates. I have not heard from CampInn about our trailer being on the shop floor yet. We hope to hear soon too. You must be excited, we sure are, 3 months done, less than 2 to go. Hang in there Biscuit.

  14. Bev

    Bev Novice

    Hi Michaelo!
    Yes, the excitement sure is mounting.

    I needed the hitch/wiring installed on my vehicle. The guy doing the install was highly recommended, but I perceived him a bit rough around the edges with his customer service. I gave him the phone number to Camp-Inn to make sure I wouldn't show up for delivery and cause the folks there any problem that could have been avoided. In the mean time, I e-mailed Cary to let him know the installer might call and asked him to let me know if he did.

    Well, our Camp-Inn folks certainly don't have any issues with the delivery of fantastic customer service! Cary e-mailed me verifying the installer contacted him.......and I got a big bonus, he told me the shop was running a bit ahead of schedule, and mine was on the schedule for a start of about 9/25. I didn't ask any further regarding the schedule.

    Good to hear from you. If you hear anything new we can hang on to, please let me know.
  15. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Thanks Biscuit, will do.

  16. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    I checked. Biscuit is in the row right behind yours Michael. I think yours is headed to the spray booth today Michael. Biscuit's is the first trailer in the next batch so will be the next trailer to get started. So, they are one right after the other like you thought, just not exactly nestmates being in two different batches.

  17. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Ours is in the spray booth! ALREADY Great news. I was guesstimating that you would start on ours next week. You are ahead of schedule. Thanks Cary. Hear that Biscuit our TDs are in sight of each other!

  18. Bev

    Bev Novice

    I love the grain patterns of wood, sure pops after being in the spray booth.

    The 550 teardrop I got to see in person prior to ordering mine did not have the new mahogany paneling in it. I ordered mine with the mahogany as a little surprise for myself. Unless I missed a post on the forum, haven't seen any comments regarding the mahogany.

    Hey, it was a bonus having Cary post with the update.
  19. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Yippie indeed!
    Yes thank you Cary for the update. We, my wife Susan and I have a lot of varnished mahogany on our sailboat " Talelayo" of Seattle. Varnished mahogany has a wonderful iridescent quality that changes with the light, it's magical really. Can you make out that I'm a wood freak, ha ha. I am too surprised that there is no mention of the option on the forum. Cary said that folks don't order it unless they've seen it. Funny thing is I don't remember seeing it while we were at CampInn in May. But we ordered it anyway. So good for you Biscuit for ordering the mahogany. I think it is well worth the money. The contrast between the red mahogany and the white birch will be awesome and will really set your tear apart. Can you tell I'm a wood freak. You've ordered a 550 Ultra with mahogany paneling and we've ordered the same, they'll make a cute pair on the production floor!

  20. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    The mahogany options is very new and not many people have seen it yet. Alas for SnuggleBug - she would have looked good with mahogany.

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