need some advice on the Olympic Peninsula

Discussion in 'Trip Planning' started by jimtiffany, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. jimtiffany

    jimtiffany Novice

    Hey michaelo, Jenn, Bear, and anyone else, I need some help. My wife, Ani, will be out of the country for 3 weeks. In her absence, my job is to figure out the best strategy for summer camping on the OP. From what I have read, most of the national and state park campgrounds are first-come-first-serve and they fill up during the good weather months. There are some private RV parks that look ok, but we prefer public campgrounds, when possible. I'll be doing a recon mission soon, so any tips you have would be appreciated.

    I'm thinking it best to go during the week, getting to a campground early in the day. A ranger somewhere told me to show up around 9:30am and be ready to pull in when someone leaves. Is it really that bad? We're not early risers and we like to explore along the way, so we usually don't make it to a campground until mid-afternoon. Is that too late? It looks like there are a lot of small campgrounds. If your first choice isn't available, can you usually find a backup in the area?

    We'd like to see as much of the Peninsula as possible over the summer. Do you have any must-see recommendations or strategies for getting into good spots? Thanks.
  2. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Howdy Jim,

    Going to do the "Loop".. fun..


    You can, of course, go one way or the other, but my preferred tract would be start at Grayland just south of Aberdeen and work way north.


    I have it all mapped out , just haven't done it in on trip yet. I've stayed at all of them except the Neah Bay one, but have gone through there...

    Pics here

    and Kalaloch area pics


    Fun, but Crowded during Summer.. In Kalaloch, you can't really go wrong if you don't get a cliff view.. the back ones are nice too..

    Hope that helps..
  3. jimtiffany

    jimtiffany Novice

    Frank, Thanks a lot. Your pictures are great ... and very helpful.
  4. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    I'll be referring to this map in about 2 weeks... ;) Thanks Frank - great info.
  5. michaelo

    michaelo Novice


    Hi Jim and Ani
    We used a Falcon Guide to Southern California camping when we were bringing Dewey home and loved it, we ended up camping at a couple campgrounds that we may not have found without the guide. When we got home we found one for our home state on Amazon, we haven't used it yet but a quick look at the listings for the Oly Peninsula suggests that most of the NP campgrounds are not on a reservation system.

    Last summer after we sent in our deposit for Dewey we made a point to peruse the campgrounds on the peninsula just to see what's what. A lot of the campgrounds were laid out decades ago when the RVs were way smaller so perfect for teardrops, even the tiny tent sites can accommodate us. We found that even on summer weekends there were still sites available and during the week it was wide open. Now even though this was only a small survey I don't think you'll have that much trouble getting a site from Sunday to Thursday in the 1st come 1st serve campgrounds.


    Good luck and don't forget to give us a shout when you're out this way.

  6. jimtiffany

    jimtiffany Novice

    Thanks, michaelo. That is very helpful. I picked up a couple of books on camping and RVing in WA, one of which is the size of a bible. If anything I have information overload. It helps to know you did a survey last summer and sites were available. I'll PM you my plans in hopes we can get together.

  7. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member


    Is that a "Tilley" I see hanging on the chair...
    heheh,just sent mine in after some 25+ years for a replacement..
  8. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Hi Frank,

    This trip sounds awesome and your photos are beautiful!

  9. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    The whole coast line is a trip...

    The "Big trip" would start in Calif just north of the Red Woods... and then just work your way up the Coast.
    Sarah (of Mick N Sarah fame) has a great log to use as a reference for campsites etc....
  10. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Frank, not a Tilley but almost as good, I really love Tilley's 3 year socks, comfortable and long lasting!

  11. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Sounds great. Waiting until April to hit the road is making us crazy, especially when we see routes like the OP! Thanks for sharing info.

  12. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Here's another quick link that helps show what's out there...


    It only covers a few things..

    I'm heading out just to Salt Creek, just west of Port Angeles, end of Sept just to enjoy it...

    The Ultimate 3-Way: Olympic National Park
    (FYI - not my Pics)



    Ps. I won't be moving about, just camping there and watching the ferries roll by.. nice and relaxed like...
  13. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Hi Frank!

    All I can say is "!".


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