Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ladymc, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    I've seen some nicknames posted somewhere, but I'd like to get them "all in one place" if that's ok with Evan. (Evan if this is in the wrong place, please forgive me and move it if you will.)

    I may have said this before but we've toyed with different names but laying in bed last night it finally came to me: We live in a large 5th wheel and our last name starts with Mc so it'll be(Big Mc), and the Raindrop's gonna be called (MiniMc)...don't think I can get it on a vanity plate but will try again...maybe...I can buy a solar panel for their prices! Think we'll call her "Minnie" for short - since it is!

    What's your handle?
  2. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I have been struggling for a name for my raindrop and your post got me thinking and it suddenly hit me that I am going to call her 'The Far Fars.' When I was little and my mother took us on a road trip usually referred to as an 'adventure', she would not tell us where we were going but said we were 'off to the far fars.'
  3. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    We have 2 names for ours, one is more sentimental than the other.

    We call her either Dottie (she looks like a little dot behind the car) or 'The Silver Shadow'. This is a nickname for old Rolls Royces, and since she is the Rolls of teardrops and she also is the silver shadow of the car, we thought that was fitting. Plus, we liked the super hero sound of the latter too (that way my husband can use it and not get embarrassed...only kidding, he likes Dottie too).
  4. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    People have asked what we named our teardrop. Our teardrop does not have a name. It's just "the teardrop." It has never occurred to us to give it one. In fact, the first time I heard of anyone doing this was only about 3 or so years ago. :eek:

    Everyone's personality is different, as is how they use their teardrop & whether or not they have a theme. It is fun to read the names people have chosen & why as well as how they have personalized their tear. :)

  5. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    I like both! Other names we thought of: McToy, MyToy, #406, 406/80, (#80 Raindrop), Mine, LikeIt,- the imagination runs wild.. BedPlus (too many letters for a plate!
  6. Bunni

    Bunni Novice

    I believe that children, animals, and teardrops should be seen in person and their name will be clear to you. So we didn't try to come up with a name. But I did always refer to it as "she", so I knew it was a girl before birth.

    After we picked her up and Benn was comfortable driving, he said "How about some music". I knew there was already a CD in the player so I just turned it on. Bridge Over Troubled Water started playing -- the raindrop immediately became Silver Girl.

  7. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    My tear is called Uff Da Inn.

    Debated between a couple names, one was Oh, Shucks, didn't really like that, don't recall other names. One day the light buld went on, Uff Da Inn.

    My geneology is Scandavian, which in this area, Uff Da, is a term used as a Oh, my gosh type response in conversation. Mostly Uff Da Inn honors scandavian heritage.

    Teardrop are not for all. Expect Oh, my gosh type reactions, questions, so Uff Da fits in and brings a smile to the lips when thinking about her. Yes, she is a women.

    Know she will be called tear, camper, and Uff Da Inn in conversations.

    Now I need to add Uff Da Inn to signature line

  8. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    While waiting for our build what else was there to do but try to come up with a name. As far as I knew, all ships, planes, cars and things like that are known as 'she', so it seemed that our trailer wouldn't be an exception. One night the name "Snugglebug" popped into my head, and we instantly both knew that it was the right name for her - tiny as a bug, and what else can you do in it but snuggle. :) The funny thing is, most of my friends think that it's a brand name. They will tell me about the Snugglebug they saw going down the road, etc...

    BTW, Linda - no need to apologize for the placement of your posts. If you've given it any thought at all, you probably have the right spot. And if not, it's easy for me to move them. You just might not be able to find it later... :)
  9. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Our tear is "Suite Retreat". After not being able to camp for a number of years and staying in the dreaded motel suites the Suite Retreat seemed like the perfect name. No more motels.
  10. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Can I share in the royalties from naming that one? ;)

  11. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yep, after I have spent my half.

    Half of nothing is still nothing

    Betsey, forgot that you had something to do with the name. Don't recall the details.
    Other then that, that is my story and I'm stickin' to it.
  12. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    I'll take it...Still better than what our governor is offering me. :eek:

    Just glad I could be of some use to someone & could make your life easier! :D

  13. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Good thing you've got a rich husband! :/
  14. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Thanks Evan! I needed a good laugh. :D :D :D :D

  15. bcannizzo

    bcannizzo Novice

    Naming just seemed the thing to do... Frogs have sentimental value in our family and Karin had a really neat piece of artwork....

    Our trailer is no frog but it sure is a Towed Hall Bed and Breakfast (no bath) so with a variance of the artwork... Towed Hall came into being... and we love her!
  16. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    I just love the name you guys have chosen. It is really clever!
  17. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    I love ALL the names - Suite Retreat is really a favorite as is Towed Hall - both very descriptive...I've been rethinking (remember, think long, you think wrong, as the saying goes....) my choice of minimc - we've been describing it in pregnancy terms and BabyMc goes with with BigMc..but we'll see...Bill has the final say - since he paid for it! Maybe Last 1 would work too....see, there I go - THINKING again!
  18. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We have a "Mc" last name, so decided to go with a Mc theme too. We chose McNugit, because our 550 Ultra reminded us of a little nugget, spelled McNugit to fit on the vanity plate. We also like it because one of our boys was referred to as McNugget, during his high school years!
  19. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    We have chosen Rosy Lee as our name based on the following.

    Rosy lee is cockney rhyming slang for a cup of tea and as we are both British love our cup of tea. So if you see us come over for a nice cup of Rosy Lee

    Tea leaves are often read by gypsy's to tell your fortune and Gypsy's are travelers by nature taking there house and belonging on the road with them.
  20. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Barry and Annie,
    You will have pleanty of people dropping by to see your "Rosy Lee" so best have a cup ready.

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