Mississippi River Valley panorama

Discussion in 'Photo Gallery' started by Ken & Peggy, May 5, 2010.

  1. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    This is the view from the Iowa side of the Mississippi river, taken at Pike's Peak State Park above McGregor. Wyalusing State Park is seen just right of center on the bluff along the horizon.

  2. very nice...beautiful place to camp.
  3. DonSue

    DonSue Novice


    We are enjoying your panorama images. They are a personal interest of mine as well. I had a pan head with me at Wyalusing SP on our 550 TD pickup trip a month ago but the rain and the excitement of the new trailer kept it packed away. If you don't mind I would be interested in a few details, such as tripod arrangement (or handheld?), camera/lens, and what you are using to do the stitching.
  4. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Thanks, I hope we can get back to that area again this year.
  5. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Thanks Don & Sue. These were taken with a Canon G10 point & shoot in manual mode. They are both handheld and stitched with PTGui. I tested a few other programs a couple years ago when I first tried doing panoramas, and found that PTGui handles the type of shooting I do very well. I didn't bring a tripod this trip, but should be taking it all the time, especially for low light shooting. I don't have a pan head, but am sure they must make doing serious panoramas easier. What kind of setup do you use?

    Here's my favorite panorama so far, also handheld, but done with the Nikon D300 and 17-55 lens. It's 19 images total. Talk about being in the right place at the right time.
    Chicago panorama
  6. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Nice panorama. Make the windy city look pretty.
  7. DonSue

    DonSue Novice


    Wow. Impressive panorama. I do get to Chicago now and then so the view is familiar although it has never looked this good. Michigan Ave on the left edge, on Wacker looking north, I think. My favorite casual Chicago restaurant is only a few blocks away, Frontera Grill, at Clark and Illinois.

    I have a Nikon D90 with the 18-200 VR Nikkor zoom but haven't had time for any pans since I got it. I do have an old Kaiden Kiwi panoramic head that I got for an earlier camera so the geometry doesn't quite match the zoom lens but for landscapes it will be fine. I had been using PanaVue ImageAssembler for quite a long time but recently moved up to a big dual-quad-core Mac desktop and PanaVue is Windows only. I have been playing around with using Lightroom/Photoshop but prefer an application devoted to stitching. I see that PTgui has a Mac OS X version so I'll have to take closer look at it.

    A blank wall would look pretty good if you filled the top half with a four foot long version of your Chicago skyline above your Mississippi River Valley panorama.
  8. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Thanks George. The Windy City DOES look pretty ;)
  9. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Don&Sue, thanks for your nice comments, and you're right on the money with the location. I'm sure PTGui still does trial downloads. I haven't looked at stitching software for a couple of years, so I'm sure there must be more options now. I've also been using Lightroom for a few months and really like it so far.
    I do have that shot framed and on the wall - it's fun to put some of your own stuff up. This one is on the wall too:
    Chicago Skyline

    Sounds like you did some pretty serious panos using a Kaiden head, do you have a link to any of them?
  10. DonSue

    DonSue Novice


    I don't have any pans up behind a link at this point. I'm a CIO at a small University which is a 25/8/366 job these days, especially these days. Maybe I'll have a chance to put something up later this summer. The Kaiden head I have is one of their less expensive ones and I've had it a long time. I just took a look at some of their last models and they are incredibly expensive.

    I did look at your very interesting gallery. We do seem to have some similarities in taste for particular kinds of images. I do put a daily image of mine up on the home page of our campus web portal, an image that I have always taken recently, somewhere on our small campus, and many of your images would fit right in (except for your exotic locations). I do that my photography (as well as our cycling) benefits from our use of our Camp-Inn in the future.

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