
Discussion in 'Electrical & Mechanical Issues' started by Sweeney, Jun 16, 2021.

  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    In other threads there has been discussion about power management, and generators. I have used my 560 on a Yamaha generator (2800ishc) and it works fine except "surge" when the compressor starts. It works....but the surge draws attention to the otherwise peacful hum.

    The solution to hard starts in the Micro-Air soft start. These work great (I've used them on a 15K BTU root mount AC) and completely stop the surge on the big rig.

    I'm curious if a Window Shaker mod has been by anyone. The ASY-364-T36 is Micro-Air's solution to window shakers....but I can't find any examples of people actually using it in this use case. Has anyone tried it or researched this and found it to be unfeasible?
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Looks like I’m on my own on this one :)
  3. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Sweeney..did you ever get an answer to the Micro soft start? I am investigating alternate power solutions such as a generator. Wondering if these work on window A/C ( I know everyone swears by them on roof mount A/C).
  4. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I never did. I did find a video showing some one installing one in a window shaker --- they all have the same basic capacitor setup. But He was mounting his externally, which is certainly a posability....

    I'm planning on jumping into that project when we get our rig...it looks viable but I suspect we will need to remotely mount the micro-air....
  5. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    I wonder if Camp Inn could do it before it leaves the factory...hmmm...if only a guy at the factory knew of an electrical engineer....hmmm?
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I suspect it has more to do with knowing a time lord, who can fit a surprising amount into a small space.
  7. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    I do believe Camp Inn has an EENGR on staff that most certainly could figure out how to fit it in. They rebuild AC units at the factory from what I gather.
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    there isn’t much to an AC. Little more than a compressor, fan and a couple of radiators…

    the hard part is serious just finding space….the boxes are pretty big….5x6x3 at least. There just isn’t much room for that in the ac itself.

    Like many things, the basic engineering is simple. The ac in a window shaker is just a restriction tube, there isn’t a variable valve or anything that complex. There isn’t even a valve to allow adding refrigerant, they are usually soldered closed….

    The refrigeration cycle is the same for any compressor bases system. Be that the frigidair window unit or the commercial freezer, which reduces a space to 40 below zero…

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
  9. Freight Dog

    Freight Dog Novice

    Asked Cary about a “fresh from the factory” install. He said they could do it but there isn’t any need as long as you have a 2000W or better generator, which I intend to have. Not sure it’s worth the $299 price tag plus install to have it put in.
  10. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I may have to ask…I know it theoretically isn’t necessay. To me, the question is not one of capacity --- its one of stealth. The yahama 2800 I have handled it fine, I hope/assume the Honda 2200 will as well. The hum of the honda is a lot less... the "grunt" probably is higher. I need to see.

    My goal is to be able to stay at hip-camp or disbursed camp sites in state forrests, or BLM --- and not call any more attention to myself than a camp inn already does. A small genset disappears into the background....until...hmmmm.....GRRR.....hmmmm.....

    if this where a DC circuit. A super cap would do the trick….but Tesla was right…even though Edison got credit for it :)

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