Maiden Voyage Road Trip--What would you NOT pack?

Discussion in 'Tips & Tricks' started by starlight, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. starlight

    starlight Novice

    Question for All: There are a few gear lists out there on what to bring, and lessons learned saying "less is more". We are unlikely to spend more than 1-2 nights in any one location, so it will be more of a road trip. We don't have much space in our tow vehicle. I know everyone has their own style of camping, but if you could do it again--what would you NOT bring for your maiden voyage?
  2. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Good question. Bring as much as you want to put in your kitchen, beacuse there will be room for it all. What you don't want is a bunch of camping gear on the bed that has to be pulled out every night.

    Don't bring:
    Chaise lounge chairs (perhaps bring a pair of lightweight chairs)
    Portable fire pit
    privacy tent
    portapotty (unless you are really going to be roughing it)
    10 x 10 pop-up tent - bring the tailgator if you have it
    extra tables

    We found that after a long day of driving, you just want to pull over and climb in bed. As our trip went on, we spent less time looking for campsites and more nights at the nearest reststop. Of course, the weather was in the 20s, so we had zero reason to want to be outdoors. In your case you may want a few outdoor "camping gear" items - but try to keep it as light as you can.

    One other tip is pack a suitcase in the back of your tow vehicle, and each night grab the clothes for the next morning and put them in the C-I.
  3. starlight

    starlight Novice

    Thanks! We like the tail gator idea--makes sense for the short trips. The tip on the luggage in the car is also one we hadn't thought of. Happy Easter!
  4. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    I agree with Evan on most things. Keeping the cabin from having to be emptied when you stop for overnights is really smart. We have a 550 without TV etc so we have more than enough space to have all our clothes in the cabin.
  5. starlight

    starlight Novice

    Thanks Pat. We opted for the TV--although hopefully we won't resort to it too much. We always read and played cards or games when I was camping with my parents. We'll see how this goes--September is soooo far away. :)
  6. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Now what was that kids name...?
  7. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Jenn...I got left by my parents once also...maybe that's why I'm not right! :)
  8. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    I am one of 12 kids and we alway buddied up before we left anywhere we were responsible for our buddy getting in the car.
    Keep the kids anything else can be replaced.
  9. starlight

    starlight Novice

    Talk about potential panic moment...Note to self, Darcy is now on the check-list too. :)
  10. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Jenn - thanks! That was sweet!

    Pat - My aunt had 13 kids and they all got along better than the 4 of us did (but then I was the only girl.)

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