LED Tail light upgrade

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by Ken95448, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. Ken95448

    Ken95448 Newbie

    Thought that I'd upgrade my 2004 550 Ultra tail lights to brighter LED's from Camp Inn. As stated in sales info, no wiring included. I assumed (yeah, I know...) that these were a simple swap-out.

    The new LED's arrived and upon further inspection, I see a point of connection....but....no obvious (to me anyway) way of connecting them to the existing wiring. It's not a simple plug-n-play.

    It appears that I must cut the existing wire leads to the original tail lights. Then modify the cut wire leads to fit into the new LED's. There is a piece of tape over some kind of connection to the LED's...but I'm not sure what the connection is. Doesn't look like a friction or male-to-female connection or a screw/clamp-down type of connection. Solder would melt the adjacent housing. What is it??

    I feel a little dumb asking this as I'm mechanically skilled (have rebuilt several cars in my younger years).

    Has anyone performed this upgrade (Tail light bulb-to-LED) to their Camp Inn Trailer?

    Would have been nice if Camp Inn had sent a little wiring diagram or pictogram for the "upgrade".
  2. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    HKmmmm... I have and I'm NOT mechanically adept, but if I remember correctly it had a "Harness" simply unplug and plug the new one it. Since you're not seeing that, dunno, check with Cary/Craig... but if I recall correctly it was simple that even I could do it...

    550 #249 in case you have a different year built.. 5/2008

    I just pulled the full light unit out, unplugged the wire harness, plugged the new one in and pushed the new unit back in.. Believer the hardest part was removing and replacing back into the slot..

    Sorry, not much help other than the year build...
    good luck...

    PS Just noted your year built.. 2004.. so it's probably due to the year built..
  3. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    I did the upgrade and it was as advertised - disconnect plug, connect new plug. If yours doesn't look like that, I'd call Cary.
  4. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    If I remember right, the back should look like this:

    And the plug like this:

    As Evan said, if it doesn't look anything like these, a call to Cary is your best bet. Good luck, it should be a snap to do.
  5. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Exactly, it is plug and play. We have used the same type of tail light and tail light connector since the very first trailer we ever built. No wiring diagram needed.

  6. Ken95448

    Ken95448 Newbie

    OK, just saw your responses. Thank you!
    I'll take another, much closer look, at the connection situation. From what everyone has written....I must have completely missed an obvious plug-and-play (unplug-old, remove, plug-in-new) situation. I'll report back this weekend (26th/27th) on my little LED project. Thanks again for the responses!

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