Just For Fun: Does Your Ci Have A Theme?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by adrianneross, May 2, 2020.

  1. adrianneross

    adrianneross Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Here's another one: Does your Camp-Inn have a decorating theme and if so, what is your theme?

    For us, it's "Why be plain, when it can be plaid!" Curtains, pot cozies, windscreens, table cloth, Kindle covers, it's a work in progress.
  2. Not really. Sheets are some old ones from the house and we use to two full size comforters so that we each have one. I know one is blue but I could not tell you for sure if they both are. Curtains are the tans it came with. In the galley it is a mixture of this and that. Just stuff we had or found that worked good on camping trip. A lot of we do have has come from ideas here on the forum or things other campers have showed us.
  3. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    “If it can be red, it will be red”. It’s not a hard and fast rule, but if say I’m at a store looking at buying the what-cha-ma-gadget and the color choices are black, green or red, it’s the red one.

    Bonus points if it’s collapsible AND red. Triple bonus points if it’s red, collapsible, and multipurpose.
  4. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

  5. Our CampInn has the "Tardis" decal from Dr. Who with the logo "it's bigger on the inside" pasted on the hatch cover. I often invite people inside for a game of billiards.

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