Jerry & Tina "Long Haul" Trip to IRG 4....

Discussion in 'Long Haul' started by jerry and tina, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Lantern light up IRG

    Lake at Lassen



    sunset in Colorado

    Ames Brothers Pyramid

    Multnomah Falls

    Tina & Jerry’s Long Haul

    (Illinois to California 2012)

    2006 – 550 Ultra, Camp-Inn #136

    Tow Vehicle:
    2005 Ford Sport Trak

    National & State Parks/Forest:
    Nebraska National Forest
    Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
    Hot Springs State Park, Wyoming
    Crater of the Moon State Park, Idaho
    Emigrant State Park, Oregon
    Beachside State Park, Oregon
    Humbug Mountain State Park, Oregon
    Lassen National Park, California
    Utah National Forest
    Dinosaur National Park, Colorado

    July 14, 2012 was the start of our long awaited “long haul” trip. We left home early morning hoping to avoid some of the oppressive heat. We spent our first night in Omaha with good friends – Darrell & Joanne. We went to see the Holy family Shrine in Gretna that overlooks Interstate 80.

    July 15, 2012 had us heading westward on highway 92. We stopped at the Nebraska National Forrest to see the Fire Tower. It was originally built in the mid-1940s; this is the third tower to stand on this location. The previous two were believed to have been lost to fires. After a climb up the tower and a few pictures we hit the road. Next stop was at Carhenge in Alliance, Nebraska to see the amazing car art. We even got invited to supper with a motorcycle club hosting a rally. (Hotdogs and hamburgers but can’t be choosy.) From here we traveled on to Harrison, Nebraska and found a lovely city park that had free camping. There were two sites with electric and water hook ups and nice clean restrooms & shelter house nearby. The swimming pool was closed but I was sure tempted to climb the fence to cool off in it as temps all day were in the 100 degree range.

    July 16, 2012 was a travel day…stopped in Thermopolis, Wyoming at the Hot Springs State Park. It was another “hot” day out. After spending a couple hours walking around the springs, we decided to visit the pools for a much needed relaxing 15 minutes of steam and a welcome shower afterwards. Continued onward to Cody, Wyoming to spend the night at Wal-Mart and restock on supplies.

    July 17, 2012 we spent at Yellowstone National Park. We saw lots of wildlife – Moose, fox, buffalo, elk and “supposedly” a bear sitting in a tree (at least that’s what folks were telling us we were looking at) We entered the east side, traveled up north to Mammoth Falls and excited out the west side. While there we also hiked the Upper Falls and Tower Falls. It was sad to see mammoth falls were barely flowing anymore. Camped that night in Idaho.

    July 18, 2012 had us traveling Idaho Springs to view the waterfalls, then onward to Crater of the Moon State Park. Jerry did a lot of hiking while I nursed a sore throat. We were able to get a camping site there. Beautiful Park!

    July 19, 2012 was a rough day, continued with my sore throat and didn’t enjoy the exits to food courts for lunch, especially pulling a trailer! Finally, crossed into Oregon and spent the night at Emigrant State Park. Nice, clean park with friendly campers. It is part of the Oregon Trail.

    July 20, 2012 we followed the highway along the Columbia River Gorge. We crossed over into Washington to see Stonehenge Memorial for Veterans. This sits high on the bluff overlooking the Columbia River, nestled among vineyards. Then we returned to Oregon to Multnomah Falls. I hiked up to the bridge and Jerry went to the top. Spent the night in a rest area.

    July 21, 2012 landed us at the Pacific Ocean. We stopped at Depoe Bay to whale watch at whale cove. Then we headed down Otter Creek loop and stopped at Cape Foul weather. We saw Devil’s Punchbowl and surfers. At Yoquina Lighthouse we saw Sea Otters and eagles. We walked the agate black beach and of course collected a few agates and pictures. Camped at Beachside State Park.

    July 22, 2012 journeyed on south on highway 101. Stopped by Devils Churn and hiked back to CCC Overlook at Cape Perpetua. Camped tonight at Humbug Mountain State Park.

    July 23, 2012 found us in the Gold Coast doing laundry, catching up on emails and restocking before traveling into Northern California. Found a campsite at Humboldt County Park.

    July 24, 2012 we arrived at Swimmers Delight County Park! We spent our first night camping under the redwoods. I haven’t seen the awesome trees for 30 years…they are/were just as amazing! It was wonderful to sit under these majestic trees and listen to them sing their melody in the wind. Here we met up with other early arrival teardroppers that were planning on attending IRG. Enjoy the evening with Evan, Lena & Katie.

    July 25, 2012 spent the day moving over to Pamplin Grove for early set up. After we set up, we headed into town for supplies. We spent the rest of the day meeting other campers and checking out the grove.
    July 26, 2012 was the “official” start of IRG 4. Went and introduced ourselves to other Campinn owners, Ron & Opal, Jim & Sue, Bob & Kathy, Jenn, Evan & Lena (Katie), Joan and a couple others. Campinn was represented well!

    July 27, 2012 we traveled down to the Avenue of Giants to do some hiking in the redwoods. The redwoods are so majestic and serene. It is like stepping into a whole new world filled with peace and tranquility. As dusk was approaching we headed back to IRG to have supper and fellowship.

    July 28, 2012 saw us staying put for the day. We received our award for the Longest Haul to IRG with 2250 miles as the crow flies.

    July 29, 2012 we said our goodbyes to some and “see you in the fall” to others that were planning on being at CI-CO in September. We traveled to Redding and over to spend the night at Lassen National Park.

    July 30, 2012 wish we had more time to spend at Lassen. Jim & Sue told us we would like it here and we did! We hiked the 2 hour round trip to the volcano and enjoyed lunch by a lake. Late in the afternoon we headed east to Reno.

    July 31, 2012 stopped in Wendover, Nevada-Utah. While there we went to see the Air force monument of the atomic bomb and sent out to the Salt Flats Speedway. That night we camped in Utah National Forest.

    August 1, 2012 found us at Dinosaur National Park. We spent the day exploring the park and hiking to see the petroglyphics. That night we camped in City Park near Craig, Colorado.

    August 2, 2012 continued heading eastward, back on Interstate 80 in Wyoming. Had lunch at the Lincoln Memorial rest stop, and then ventured over to see the Ames Brothers Pyramid, along with the tree in the Rock. Traveling across Nebraska we were chasing a storm and a gorgeous double rainbow.

    August 3, 2012 we headed up to the Lincoln highway (30) to get off the interstate…Made it home that night.

    Camped 20 nights
    Traveled 5459 miles.
  2. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Hi, Jerry and Tina. It was so good to see you at the IRG AND the CICO. Great pictures. Hope to see you again at CICO#10. Kathy
  3. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Great pictures! You guys covered a lot of territory and hit some great spots.
  4. just wish I was the story teller that Jenn & Sue are...I could have added then the "little" extras such as when the car almost rear ended our trailer in the redwoods - that guy we are thinking almost, no probably, s__t his pants. This guy was trying to pass us, truck & campinn, on a curvey area no less, and a car coming head on. Needless to say we didn't hear it until he slammed on his breaks and I turned around in my seat and said OH MY GOSH! as he was fishtailing in the road trying to get back in behind us. (He was in Jerry's blindspot prior)
    He made it but just barely, and he stayed a long way behind us after that. That's just one of our extras....
  5. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Jerry & Tina great pictures and story. :)
  6. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice

    Jerry and Tina, thanks for recapping your trip for us. Sounds like a fantastic trip. We'd love to get to the west coast sometime.

    How much planning went into it? Were you familiar with the places you visited from past trips or did you just research for places of interest along the way?
  7. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Great pictures and sounds like a wonderful trip.
  8. The only thing better would have been to have more time to spend at the places we went. Three weeks seems long but it sure goes by fast!

    AJ & Michelle...we did plan only the time we were leaving and the days we had to be at IRG and home again. We researched places in each state we thought we might like to see and went from there. The only place we'd been prior is Yellowstone (3 times before) and I had been to Ave of Giants 30 years ago.

    In Nebraska, we didn't plan on stopping at the Fire tower until our friends we stayed with in Omaha suggested it, as it was on our way to Carhenge. It made a great place to stop and walk around for an hour or so, a much needed break.

    The same for Lassen on our way home. Jim and Sue highly recommended it...we wished we had a week to stay and play there. The wild flowers were pretty and lots of places to hike.
    Other than that we just knew we had 11 days to get to IRG and went from there. Each night we would look at the map and decide how far and what we wanted to see the next day.

    tina & jerry
  9. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Sounds like a great trip. Thanks for sharing your details! I love hearing where other people go and what they think. I will either add or subtract them from lists I keep. Looks like Lassen is going I the list! There are so many great things to see, and my wanderlust for other countries has been curbed a bit, for the wanderlust (and itchy foot) I have for camping and exploring our own country.

    When we drove to WI to pick up Dottie, we had rough points were we wanted to stop. We wanted to see Mt. Rushmore for instance and Wind Cave, we wanted to visit certain people, and made all of those plans ahead of time. I tend to plan points of stoppage so folks know where I am, especially since Mick doesn't always come with me. It is part of my safety net.

    Good job to you guys! Congrats!
  10. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice

    Thanks for the insight, I can see where three weeks might not be enough time for a long haul. We always seem to have just enough time to get to our destination, do what we had planned and turn around and head straight home. Hoping to change that in the future, we'd really like to see and enjoy what's between points A & B.

    Sarah, I like the idea of adding to and deleting things from a list based on everyone's feedback …better get started on our list.
  11. On my bucket list is a trip to the Northeast and mid-eastern states...I'd like to head up to maine and come home via Canada. Also do the Virginia's and north Carolina....but work just keeps on interfering...

  12. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    That darn work situation - it sure gets in the way of fun sometimes. Retirement is seriously under-rated.

    Maine is a fantastic place to visit. Actually, in all our travels so far, everyplace seems to be a fantastic place to visit.
  13. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Exactly! :)
  14. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Great photos. Glad you had a great time in Lassen. We love it there. Your story makes us want to get back on the road for a long haul.

    So much to little time.

    Camp On,

    Jim and Sue
  15. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Jerry and Tina, we easily could have run into you many times on our trip last summer but we started a few weeks earlier. I enjoyed your recounting of your trip and memories of some of the same places. Neat pictures too.
  16. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Jerry and Tina, we easily could have run into you many times on our trip last summer but we started a few weeks earlier. I enjoyed your recounting of your trip and memories of some of the same places. Neat pictures too.
    I was able to pick you and your Cobb out, Sue and Jim and Bob and Kathy - neat!
  17. Pat, I thought the same thing reading on your posts of your trip in regards to running into each other. These were just a small sampling of pics taken :) Between Jerry & I we must have over well over a thousand or so.
  18. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Great pictures and story. Your pin is on the way!
  19. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Jerry and Tina, 1000 pics wow! I hate to delete any pics (the pic may not be great but the memory is great) so after every trip I make the background of my desktop the folder of the trip. So every time I close a file there sits another of our vacation pictures. This week has been a very busy one with grades from last semester and schedules for next semester and all that entails so our trip pictures provide a break from work and a dream for next summer.

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