I am not sure I didn't screw up a bit.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pedalpaddlehike, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. My '04 was pretty severely oxidized. I went through the standard polish and did Walbernizer. It didn't seem to help much so on a whim I decided to bring out the big guns. I used the Eagle One cloth under a dual action sander on a low setting. The problem is that I am afraid it worked too well. I put a mirror finish on a 24"square. I am not opposed to having a nice mirror finish. I am just worried that overdoing it may lead to problems.

    Have I ruined my finish?
  2. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Mirror is good, having to finish the whole trailer the same way is bad or good if you get it finished.

  3. Not sure I follow. Are you saying get it all even?
  4. michaelo

    michaelo Novice

    Exactly, if you mirror polish a patch you have to keep going until the whole of the trailer is the same, of course I have seen trailers that have just the hatch mirrored or say the doors and that looks way cool too!

  5. Gotcha. Yeah I will be polishing the sides to a mirror finish for sure. The more I look at it the more excited I get. I am not sure about the hatch and top. I might blind tailgaters. :D
  6. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    We've seen TDs mirror bright and they are gorgeous. Lots of work, but oh baby! And if it's too much for you don't worry, time and use will take care of that. Just take a pic and post it to show us how it all comes out. And a word of advice...


    Camp on,

    Sue and Jim

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