Hi! Meet Me, And Our New To Us #224 560 Ultra

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by KarenBee, Jun 19, 2022.

  1. KarenBee

    KarenBee Novice

    So excited that we camped in it the same day we got it.

    Picked up in Kentucky, then spent the day in New Harmony, Indiana (cutest small town ever), then camped at the Harmonie Park Campground, and took the long way home to Milwaukee.

    Husband wanted to camp for Fathers Day, so we are headed to Lake Geneva in a couple hours for more camping.

    9 year old loves her bunk.

    Need to get her over to the Nest for a once-over and to add a couple things that the original owners didn’t.

    I am super excited!!! Also, I will apologize in advance for my excessive use of exclamation points.

    Attached Files:

    Randy, Jim Carter, M&L and 5 others like this.
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Welcome to Indiana --- be sure, if you have time, to visit some of our great towns :)

    Nashville Indiana is an artists colony (Tourist trip --- with fudge!) which borders Brown County State Park --- which is one of the BEST campgrounds in the state of Indiana.

    Triple X in Lafayette -- drive in, with good root beer and burgers --- made famous by Diners, Drive inn's and Dives is a great passing through stop. I think there is still an operating Dog n' Suds up there too :)

    On 65 north of Lafayette is an interesting agritainment stop -- Fair Oaks Dairy -- fresh cheese, of course if you're from Wisconsin that probably doesn't mean as much :D

    Not sure how long you'll be down south before heading north, Indiana has some great places to visit on you way.

    For the record, it is impossible to use too many exclaimation marks when you get your first CampInn!!!!!!!!!!! Second one you can use even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    KarenBee and Kevin like this.
  3. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Welcome to the family.
    Kevin likes this.
  4. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Congrats on the new-to-you Camp Inn. The guys at the factory will take great care of you. New Harmony IN looks like a fantastic place.
    Kevin and Sweeney like this.
  5. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    That whole part of Indiana is pretty amazing. Definately chnages the opinion that "There's only corn in Indiana"

    I've never been to New Harmony, but it is VERY close to one of the last state parks in Indiana I havn't been too. Since I needed to cancel my trip to the high plains this summer, this thread inspires me to spend a couple days down there instead.

    Welcome to the club -- you'll surely have questions, there is a wealth of knowledge here...you're going to love your camper :D
    Kevin likes this.
  6. KarenBee

    KarenBee Novice

    I am copying all of this info for our next trip! Thanks. Have you stayed at the Audubon State Park before? It looked amazing but was booked when we looked.
    Kevin likes this.
  7. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Oh wow, I hadn't heard of this before. My travels are MOSTLY in-state and weekend trips, typcially only goin going on cross countries a couple times a year. That said, this one may make our next 3 day weekend destination as that part of Indiana/Kentucky is pretty long trip from just about everyhwere in Indiana. Though, this is much better since the I69 corridore which was added a few years ago....

    Thanks for the call out :D
    KarenBee and Kevin like this.
  8. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

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