Hello, new Hoosier here.

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by barry567, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. barry567

    barry567 Newbie

    Greetings everyone from north central Indiana. Instead of reading and lurking for years on this board, I decided I would register and go through the misery of waiting public. My wife and I have talked about getting an RV or trailer, and the more research I've done, the more I think a well made teardrop is right for us. However, we may be a year or two away from being able to purchase anything, but I'll use that time to really make sure I know what I want and what options to get.

    About us, we've been married 6 years, and between her kids from her first marriage and our kid, we have 6 children. Her kids are on the way out the door (oldest graduates this spring) and there's an 8 year gap between her youngest and our child. I see us camping as 3 of us more than 8, and we have plenty of tents in the event that more kids want to go. I just stepped down as the Cubmaster in our area, and my only camping experience is from Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Although my family never camped growing up, we did a lot of fishing and just spending time outdoors. My wife is from southern Utah, and has a lot more camping background than I. However, we love it.

    Many years ago, we purchased timeshare in Florida, but the more camping I've done, the more I see that as being my go-to vacation, more than big trips to Florida or Colorado, etc. Even the handful of state parks in Indiana we've camped at have been much more peaceful and relaxing than going to a tourist hotspot.

    I look forward to hearing from everyone's experiences, and one day, hope to add a number and name to my teardrop.
  2. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Welcome! You will gain a lot of knowledge from this forum! Have fun planning!
  3. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    If you haven't discovered them yet, the Hoosier tearjerkers chapter is quite active. See the link over on the left. For your waiting period, you could join a gathering, or just day trip visits to a nearby gathering. Wanna-be's are always welcome at any gathering.
  4. schluns

    schluns Novice

    Welcome fellow Hoosier! As Sherry said, we have a very active Tearjerker group here in Indiana. If you have not checked out TNTTT.com yet, we have an annual Shivaree at the end of the month at Mounds SP in Anderson, IN, for those who cannot go to warmer climes, but need to camp. Then we have spring, summer and fall gatherings. Every other year, we host Crossroads of America at McCormicks Creek sp. This year will be the 3rd event, which is now 6 yrs old and very popular.

    We are in Indy, so if you would like a tour, just let me know and we would be happy to give a tour.
  5. Pick

    Pick Novice

    Let's hear it for Hoosiers ! Look out all of you in the PNW we are gaining on you LOL.
  6. Kelly

    Kelly Novice

    Hi Barry,

    Welcome to the forum! One of the best things about making the transition from hotel accommodations to camping with one of Camp-Inn's tiny trailers is the ability to take little mini-vacation escapes on your days off rather than waiting . . . and waiting . . . and waiting for that much anticipated vacation time. At least that is what I have found anyhow. I spend much more time getting away from it all (whether it be for a weekend or vacation time)than I did in my pre-Raindrop years. Prior to the Raindrop, I tried a mixture of tenting, hoteling it, and lugging around a house-on-wheels. I get in much more escape time with the Raindrop than I ever have with any other means of travel.

    So Barry, you and your wife just keep on pre-planning what you want in your trailer :)
  7. barry567

    barry567 Newbie

    Thanks for the tips so far. Part of the draw of a Raindrop is that I'll want to take more time off to go on little excursions. Every year, I roll-over the maximum amount of vacation days I can and usually end up using some at the end of the year so I don't lose them. In four months, I've used zero vacation days and zero sick days, which is not good. I need to take more breathers throughout my year.

    I've been reading up on towing vehicles, which we currently own a Prius hybrid (nope) and a Chrysler Town and Country, which it sounds like would do the job just fine (maybe not the best gas mileage, but it would work).

    Thanks for the invite to the Shivaree. I've done almost only cold weather camping, and my zero degree bags and assortment of wigwam socks and heavy thermals will attest to that. Waking up this morning to -10% on my thermometer gives me pause. I do look forward to coming to a Camp-Inn or Teardrop event to see everyone's camping styles.
  8. Rick  Sarah

    Rick Sarah Novice

    We are also new to this forum and soon to be owners of a Raindrop. We started out tent camping, then when we needed a place to plug in our daughter's breathing machine we went to a pop-up. We are now empty-nesters and are looking forward to not having to set something up to go camping. We always seemed to have rain when it came time to tear down.
    Growing up I lived in North Manchester, IN for two years. I still have an older brother living in Indiana.
    We have one question for you, we have tried to place a camping badge in our signature, but can't seem to get it to work. Do you have any suggestions that might help us?
  9. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Welcome Rick and Sarah! We've learned so much from this forum and have met some very cool people too! Congrats on your Raindrop and we wish you lots of great adventures!
  10. Rick  Sarah

    Rick Sarah Novice

    Thanks Diane and Michael,
    We really are learning a lot from this forum. It also helps to pass the time until May. We have gotten our 2nd set of pictures of our camper from CI and every day or so I have to look at them again. It sounds so exciting being full timers. After Rick retires, (5 years) I hope to take a long haul trip and hit the lower 49 and see a lot of the beautiful nature this country has to offer.
  11. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    We hope that your big trip happens with lots of little ones in between! Part of the fun is all of the planning and buying things you think you need! We are getting more and more excited every day! We leave cape cod on March 20 and after a week or so in NJ visiting family and friends we will go to camp inn to get our teardrop April 1. Hard to believe that this is all happening!

    Keep us posted once you start your travels! May will be here before you know it!
  12. Rick  Sarah

    Rick Sarah Novice

    That must be so exciting. Less than a month away before you all pick up your camper.

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