Hello from Wisconsin

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by ToddJamee, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. ToddJamee

    ToddJamee Newbie

    Hello everyone! My name is Todd and my better half's name is Jamee. Oh and I can't forget about Jack our jack russell terrier. We are so excited about our soon to be 560 Ultra we can hardly stand it!! Pick up is in June ugghhh!

    We did not know about this great forum until after going to Camp-Inn's amazing operation and seeing for ourselves the ingenious engineering, meticulous attention to detail and beautiful craftsmanship they put into each product. I could tell Camp-Inn's quality was unmatched just from pictures but to actually see one up close for the first time was truly incredible. We have the luxury of being only a few hours away from Necedah so we drove there and met with Cary and he showed us the build process from start to finish, which is very impressive to say the least. We had decided to purchase a Camp-Inn trailer before we had gotten there but that doesn't mean we were comfortable with spending that kind of money, but after meeting Cary, actually seeing a Camp-Inn and now even more so reading this forum, we feel very comfortable with our decision. We also both are very proud of the fact that Camp-Inn resides in our home state but more importantly, that they are Made in the USA.

    Ever since Jamee said, "Todd come look at this picture I found on the internet" we have been dreaming of our new 560 and our new adventures to come. Thus we have decide on a name for our new baby, we will call her "Dream Catcher". And with her we will be able to make some of our dreams a reality.

    Like I said before "we didn't know about this great forum" until Cary mentioned it to us. So now we are even more excited if that's possible lol we can't wait to become part of the "Unofficial Camp-Inn Community"....it sounds like you all are a lot of fun and a great group of people. We hope to get a chance to meet some of you at the gatherings or on the road.

    Todd & Jamee :)
  2. mariusz

    mariusz Junior Ranger

    welcome to the forum
  3. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Welcome Todd and Jamee! June will be here before you know it. You've got some time to figure out how you'll stock it with all of your gear...
  4. skissinger

    skissinger Ranger Donating Member

    Welcome! I'm in Wisconsin as well--just a few miles west of you in Jackson. If you hadn't heard of this forum, it's possible you haven't heard of Tearjerkers.net or tnttt.com (links above, left) forums either.

    I know you won't have Dream Catcher in time for the gathering in April, but it's a short drive; I encourage you to come and join us anyway. http://www.tnttt.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=57806

    Kohler-Andrae State Park is just north of Saukville, so you should definitely visit and see how 560s, 550s, and anyone with a teardrop or any type of tiny trailer have their set ups. Even if you go home every night, it's a win-win for you!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  5. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    ToddandJamee welcome, you just found the best bunch of people you will ever know.
  6. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I don't have my trailer yet but just let me say this is a great resourse to help you get ready. My situation is a little different than yours as I will be traveling two thousand miles home after pick up so want to be ready for camping. Most of what I have bought has been because of others experiences that they have shared here. I won't be able to share how it works for me until April. Whooo Hooooo. I ordered the first week in July but postponed the build to be timed with spring. Those mountains are not fun in winter. Welcome to the party.
  7. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Ah yes, Wisconsin has sooooo much going for it: beautiful scenery, Amish crafts, cranberries, Camp Inn trailers, squeakers....and some of the nicest people there are. And, lucky you, lots of them are on this forum...along with the rest of us schmoes. So welcome. Glad Dream Catcher is on the way. You are in for so much fun.

    Camp On,

  8. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    Thank you for joining us!
  9. PaigeJason

    PaigeJason Novice

    Welcome! I know the waiting's hard. We just picked up our 550 a week ago after placing an order last July. I spent many hours on the forum passing the time and trying to soak up all the wisdom here while we were waiting. We love Wisconsin. Just this morning my 10-year old asked if we could put the camper on the ferry out to Washington Island (off of Door County), so we could camp and spend a whole day at Schoolhouse Beach. Sounds pretty good on a day like today! (and tomorrow, and the next day...)

    Have fun around here!
  10. ToddJamee

    ToddJamee Newbie

    Thank you all for your warm welcome. I have been basically glued to the computer since arriving home from Necedah lol. This forum is so useful! We are already getting something's together on the advise from previous posts and have decided to purchase the NB, it should be arriving today.

    Sherry than you for the info on "Cooler By The Lake Vlll" we will be sure to put on our calendar. It woulda be great to meet you and see some of the trailers and set-ups. We are very familiar with Kohler - Andrea State Park, what a great location for a gathering!
  11. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    So...Sue...are you saying you're a schmo who likes squeakers? ;)

  12. klint74

    klint74 Novice Donating Member

    Hello Todd and Jamee,

    I just wanted to let you know how much Jeff and I enjoyed getting to know you both. We both immediately felt comfortable in your company, like we had known you both for a while. This comfort doesn't come easy for Jeff. Thanks for the laughs and great visits.

    Jamee, I tried to friend you on Facebook but your page doesn't allow it. If you want to stay in touch you could friend me Sheila Kosloske Klintworth.

    Thankful for meeting you both and looking forward to hearing from you.

    Sheila and Jeff
  13. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger


    A squeaker schmoe
    And proudly so.
    A fierce defender
    Of squeaks so tender,
    I love 'em from head to toe.
    (of head and toe, they have none, though.)

    Where is Dr. Seuss when you need him?

    This is all Jim's fault. He insisted it rhyme.

    Sue and Jim says
  14. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Squeakers? Is that a Wisconsin thing?
  15. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Oh yes!!!

    Fresh cheese curds squeak when you chew them!


  16. GinaNBob

    GinaNBob Novice

    I love them too and had to buy some to take home along with spotted cow!
  17. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Great combination, Squeakers and spotted cow. Wisconsin is home to some great stuff.
  18. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Oh yum! I'm really regretting not being able to attend this year's CICO. That is major cheese shopping time for me. Wisconsin has the best. And just to prove it, cheese curds started showing up in California...but they don't squeak! Gotta be those low-fat cows we have over here. Just can't compete.

  19. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    If you want them to squeak, make sure there is still some liquid in the bag...that means they are really fresh.

  20. Pick

    Pick Novice

    I've heard if you are really connected you can get them warm for the ultimate "curd" experience.

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