Hello from Northern CA

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by Judy T, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. Judy T

    Judy T Newbie

    My husband and I have been looking at teardrops and I found this site last night. The trailers look great and the Owners Manual was very useful to someone with no knowledge of what is necessarey to take care of one.

    f anyone on the west coast is selling their trailer it would be great to hear from you.


  2. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    Where abouts in California are you located? Which model are you considering?We are not selling our ultra 560 anytime soon, but if you are looking to see one in person, let me know. We are in La Honda, about 10 miles west of Redwood City.
  3. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    And we are in Castro Valley, just across the bay from San Francisco.

    Hi there! I'm Sue - my husband Jim is stumbling around waking up right now. We are not selling our Classic 550 (the kids would kill us), but would be happy to meet and show you the trailer. Nothing like seeing it in the flesh (aluminum/steel) to finalize your decision. Besides, we need to haul her out of storage in preparation for the trekking season.

    Once you see a Camp Inn, you'll close your eyes to all others. Just the way it is.

    Sue and Jim (who's now awake and at my side)
  4. Judy T

    Judy T Newbie

    Thanks for the offer to see your trailer. We are in Concord in the East Bay. I need to check with my husband and see if he is interested. We are travelling the next couple of weeks but maybe we could arrange something in August if you are around.

  5. Judy T

    Judy T Newbie

    Hi Sue:

    WE are in Concord and would love to see your Classic 550. My husband Mike and I are headed to NEw York next week to visit children and grandchildren. When we get back I will send you an email and see if we could set up a weekend time since we both still work.

  6. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Judy - if you happen to be on the Peninsula, we are happy to show you our 550, as well (not that you need to see more than one, and Sue in Castro Valley is a lot closer to you)

  7. Judy T

    Judy T Newbie

    Thanks, we may take you up on that. How often do you find you get out and use your trailers? They seem so well equipped it would be sooo easy to use.

  8. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger


    Love to show you guys when you get back. Safe journey and have a blast with the babies.

    Set up the time to fit your schedule. We're retired (haw, haw) and our schedule is flexible.

    Hi, Jenn! Thank you for the plug. Now, was that comment about lots of miles under the tires referring to the trailer...

    or our age?

    Really doesn't matter - lots of miles on all.

    Camp on,

    Sue and Jim
  9. We are interested in a 550! Anyone in the SF Bay Area willing to show us their Camp Inn? We live in Moraga (East Bay) and have looked/admired the Camp Inn series of teardrops for sometime.
  10. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Hi. We live on the Peninsula, but we are happy to show you ours if you happen to be over our way.

    You could also use the Interactive Owners Map and send a private message to any east bay owners.

  11. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Also contact Camp Inn directly. There are many owners who are not active forum members. Cary can find you the closest Camp Inn owner.
  12. Al,

    We'd appreciate seeing your Camp Inn sometime in the near future.

  13. AlCat

    AlCat Junior Ranger Donating Member

    sounds good

    I sent you a PM

  14. Hi, we maybe your closest neighbor. We live in Eureka, ca
  15. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    We live in Castro Valley,but are currently in Washington DC traveling with our 550. Won't be back till early Oct. If you can wait that long.

    Jim and Sue
  16. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    If you want to see a 560 raindrop, we are in La Honda, a few miles west of Redwood City.
  17. Thank you all for your willingness to help us see and experience a real live Camp Inn. Al & Cathy helped us this past weekend. An easy trip from our home in Eastbay SF to their Southbay location! Great experience. We both love it!

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