Heading to Necedah to pick up TD

Discussion in 'Photo Gallery' started by Cmckinnon, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. Cmckinnon

    Cmckinnon Newbie

    We will be leaving for Wisconsin this week to pick up our TD.

    Leaving Norfolk heading to Necedah
  2. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Have a safe trip and enjoy your new Camp Inn. :)
  3. Cmckinnon

    Cmckinnon Newbie

    The photo is The Norfolk Boat Club. I am the Captain of the club. The club was chartered in 1893. The membership is limited to 100 mail members.
  4. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    Have a great trip. I will be going in a couple of weeks myself. Did you get the pontoon option?

  5. Cmckinnon

    Cmckinnon Newbie

    Great idea. Maybe Cary will add the pontoon option someday. For now I will have to keep the TD on dry land.
  6. sidmcl

    sidmcl Newbie

    Dave, When are you making the pick-up? I am scheduled fot the 25th of Oct. Really getting antsy.
  7. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    I pick mine up on Monday the 29th. I plan on taking 3 days for the drive there. 2000 miles.

    ps I could also use the pontoon option as I live in Oregon where it rains a bit.

    I am sure we will both enjoy our new purchase.

  8. David Olson

    David Olson Novice

    We pick ours up on Oct. 15th. We only have a 4 hr. drive. But then plan to spend the week in Wi. Everyone have a safe trip home and enjoy the trip. I have been pretty much packed for a week.
  9. Cmckinnon

    Cmckinnon Newbie

    We are scheduled to pick up on the 16th. It has been a long wait. Finally the end is in site. Hope to see you on the road criss crossing North America.
  10. Cmckinnon

    Cmckinnon Newbie


    We pick up our Ultra 550 on the 16th. We have a reservation at Ottawa Lake camp ground in the Kettle Moraine State for the 16th. Hope to see you on the road.
  11. sidmcl

    sidmcl Newbie

    To everyone picking up this month.Take care and be safe and I hope you find good weather. I am looking forward to meeting the folks at CI.and seeing the factory. Unfortunately, because of prior committments, I will have to hurry back home and will not be able to take the "scenic route". Hope to see you all on the road.
  12. happy journies to all!
  13. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Safe journey to all new owners. Don't forget to sign the Wall of Fame and...

    Camp On

  14. Calliopebrook

    Calliopebrook Newbie

    Wishing you a happy journey to Necedah and an even happier Journey home!
  15. Cmckinnon

    Cmckinnon Newbie

    We had a great trip to Necedah. Toured the Camp-Inn facility with Marty and got to climb into # 500 and inspect #000. We had 1-1/2" of rain in Indiana. Stayed dry in the TD. No leaks! Made it back to VA without trouble. I was worried about towing the TD through Chicago but it was not a problem. Stayed two nights at Smith Mountain Lake State Park before returning to Norfolk. Everyone along the way wanted a tour of our trailer. They could not get over how well made it was and engineered to utilize every inch of space. TD is safe and dry in her new home. Water from Sandy came up to the 1st floor but did not come in. We lost some boat dock boards. You will be happy to know Sandy did not bother the TD. Looking forward to our next night in the tear drop. Pictures to follow.
  16. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    We picked up our 550 on Monday 10/29 #545. We had a good trip also, abit a little long to enjoy the journey over 4200 miles there and back. Weather was perfect going and coming. We saw the wildlife refuge in Necedah where a bald eagle was there to greet us as well as his brother or sister which we saw in Idaho. We drove thru the badlands in South Dakota and the NE corner of Yellostone. It was just too much to take in over a 9 day period. The trailer was easy to pull. We did not use the kitchen as after hours of driving each day we just wanted to get some rest and do it all over the next day.

    For our maiden voyage or anyone else I would recommend that you add a few days to recover and stop and smell the roses.

    Dave & Dixie
  17. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Glad you weren't wiped out, and all is well.
  18. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Christopher and Mindy-Dave and Dixie,

    Glad all you guys got your trailers and had a good trip home. Especially happy to hear Sandy did not trash your dreams. Nice to hear good news.

    Stay smart, stay safe and...

    Camp On,

  19. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    Thanks George & Sue. It took two days to get back to normal with a two hour time change then changing back to standard time.

    We look forward to using it.


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