GPS Tracking Device

Discussion in 'Custom Additions' started by pkscheel, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. pkscheel

    pkscheel Newbie

    I found a couple threads discussing adding a GPS tracking device to a CI trailer (from searching the archives), however I was wondering if anyone on the forum has gone through and actually put one in?


    btw...Karen and I made the plunge and ordered a Raindrop! Now begins the "long wait"!
  2. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Can't help you with the GPS, but congrats on taking the plunge!
  3. pkscheel

    pkscheel Newbie

    Thanks, Ken. We are really excited.

    I might be going overboard with the GPS tracker (since I am not sure that anyone else has seen the need to add one). However, with the numerous threads on here talking about all the interest the CI trailers draw, I want to try to have a chance of getting mine back if someone decides that they like ours "a little too much".

  4. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Might not be a bad idea. I'm interested to see responses here.
  5. pkscheel

    pkscheel Newbie

    I found one model that looks interesting. It is called Smart Tracker by Rocky Mountain Tracking, Inc. ( It is geared more towards vehicle recovery (rather than real-time monitoring). It is under $200 for the unit & you only have to pay for monitoring as you need it (if you don't need to track your trailer, there are no recurring fees).

    The main thing I am concerned with is signal reception for the antenna. If I hide the tracker inside the trailer (out of site where it can get power from the battery) the aluminum structure of the trailer will most likely interfere with reception. If I use an external antenna, then the antenna will probably be obvious and easy for a thief to spot/damage/defeat to where the tracker is no longer usable.

  6. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Looks interesting.
  7. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Can you have lo-jack installed in the trailer?
  8. pkscheel

    pkscheel Newbie


    You can, however from what I understand Lo-Jack has limited coverage (mostly around cities/large cities). For instance, in Texas, Lo-Jack coverage is only in 23 of 254 counties.

  9. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Buy multiple big locks - one for the ball and one for the wheel. And always remember to pay your insurance premium!
  10. starlight

    starlight Novice

    Thanks for asking the question Pat. We just found out that a couple of houses in our area had their garages cleaned out when different renter families "moved out". All in all we're a tight knit neighborhood but we have some issues right now. We're going to look at how to increase garage security but we'd also like to hear about anybody's experience with installing a tracking device (if anyone here has done it). We are planning on locks and the insurance.
  11. pkscheel

    pkscheel Newbie

    I bought a Smart Tracker yesterday (see link in previous post). I am going to try it out & if it works as advertised I am going to ask Cary to install it during construction of our Raindrop (to keep it as "stealthy" as possible).

    I will try to remember to post an update on how well it works after I take delivery in January.

  12. MSM69Z28

    MSM69Z28 Newbie

    Did you install the Smart Tracker? What do you think? I am also considering this GPS tracker, and would like to hear your feedback.
  13. pkscheel

    pkscheel Newbie

    It is currently being installed (during construction). I am "patiently" waiting (sort of) for our 560 to be built. I have been told that it should be delivered sometime in January. I can post on here how well it works after I get to try it out.

  14. ghaynes

    ghaynes Novice

    Interesting concern about theft of. CI. Maybe Cary, Craig or Betsey can answer the question of theft. Out of the nearly 500 CI's built how many have ever been stolen? More broadly have you ever directly heard about any teardrop being heisted?

    Saw the trailer in the assembly line and since the top wasn't on yet noticed the antenna puck and wiring. Didn't see where thy were mounting the control module.
  15. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    The subject of teardrop theft & security measures some people use is addressed in the threads that follow. There is a lot of good info on both of them.

    Ron's Removable Tongue

    Locks for Trailer Hitch

    Teardrop security has as many options as there are teardrop owners & each owner will do what feels right for them.

    I will repost what I said on the Removable Tongue thread:

    "I'm not aware of any CI tears that have been stolen but there was one that someone tried to take right out of the front yard. They weren't successful, though."

    "On occasion, I have known of a few teardrops (not CI) that have been stolen. Don't know if they have ever been recovered."

  16. ghaynes

    ghaynes Novice

    Thanks Betsey. I remember those articles. Bottom line is use some common sense. Use tongue locks and a wheel lock. Chance of theft is relatively low regardless considering all of the total teardrops out there. Probably aren't that many regular travel trailers stolen either. Utility trailers on the other hand are a horse of a different color. They get stolen and broken into on a regular basis since they often contain working tools.

    Changing the question a little bit, anyone know of a CI being broken into?
  17. ghaynes

    ghaynes Novice

    Maybe if I park the CI behind my other toy any thieves will be 'discouraged' from going any further.

  18. Lh303

    Lh303 Novice

    When we picked up our teardrop in Necedah earlier this year I believe it was Cary who said that you should always carry some brochures in your glovebox. In the event your trailer is ever stolen hand a couple of brochures to the responding police officer and tell him that if you see one of these, it's mine. This probably won't work if there is some kind of a gathering in the area, but might at other times.
  19. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Yep, that was also in the Hitch Lock thread I posted above. :)

  20. Trippster

    Trippster Novice

    Why do you think he said nobody would steal your trailer?

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