Itinerary Gettysburg 150th Anniversary

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by Evan, Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    KenAndKathy's post just reminded me about the 150th Gettysburg Anniversary that is coming up next year. I've never been to a reenactment, but I suspect that this would be the one to see.

    We want to be there - perhaps we should have a teardrop gathering too. (Would a teardrop qualify as a period chuckwagon?)
  2. rockytopsc

    rockytopsc Novice

    We will be there participating but unknown yet if the teardrop will make it. We did take it to the 150th Sharpsburg last month and camped a few miles away from the rest of the unit and the logistics worked out great. Gettysburg may not be as easy due to the scale of the reenactment.
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  1. Evan

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