Fire Extinguisher bracket - screws

Discussion in 'Electrical & Mechanical Issues' started by fpoole, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I got the fire extinguisher from CI to mount under the side table and the instructions say to use 1/4" screws with washers.

    The 1/4" screw just barely, barely mind you, breaks just past the bracket holes. Barely would make a scratch. Add a washer and it wouldn't touch the wood.

    Before I go out and get maybe 1/2" screws was wondering if anyone else has mounted one or not, and if so, "What am I missing...???"

    I'm guessing not many have installed one. They probably added it during the build. Also, bracket has 3 holes and assuming I use the two outside one and the middle If I want to be extra secure.

    Also, they mentioned to make sure I mount it on the correct side so the hatch would close if on the cooler. I'm not sure what side would be the correct side as the table could just be reversed so the bottle would be on the inside anyway.?

    I've sent it over to CI, but apparently they are out till Aug 30th or so...
    I'll post the reply in case anyone else has the same "Life Crisis Dilemma"... :crazy:

  2. rrunneals

    rrunneals Novice

    Hi, I think they mean ¼ inch in diameter not length. I would use a screw that was not long enough to pass through the table. Like a ¾ inch in length #8 screw. It mounts on the side that is away from you when you put it up on the side of the trailer. They only use two screws in the bracket to hold it on.
  3. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Ahhhh-soooo Des-ka....

    thanks, that helps solve the mystery...

    appreciate it.. heheh, Gawd, It's always something eh??

    Thanks much..
  4. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    Frank if you were to lay the table on top of the cooler with the bar end where it hooks to the table on the left, you would mount the fire extinguisher between the bar and the back of the kitchen. This way when you place the table in kitchen the hatch can close. Hope this helps. Dave
  5. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, I understand that part, thanks, but I can put the table either way bar-hook on the right side OR the left side, so I'm seeing either way it'll fit?

    I understand putting the bottle on the "Front" side of the latch for closer access from the kitchen table, but when I fold the leg down, it would go down of course but I can put the table either way on top of the cooler. Bar-hook on the left, stove side or turn it 180 and the Bar-hook on the other side/cabinet..

    thus the confusion.. Gawd, I need a beer.....

  6. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh, you had me wondering so just went down to double check.
    Yep either way the hatch closes with the table lying Bar-Hook on left or right side, doesn't matter. Have about 1/4 inch clearance/Clarence (Airport flick) from the Hatch bar, so I'm thinking we're OK either way..
  7. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Jenn, I seem to remember re-charging extinguishers should be done every 5 or 6 years. Not positive, but pretty sure. Unless you use it, then it needs charging right away.
  8. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Yah, something like that.. believe I read every 2 years... but there's a button you can press on the ones with CI to check pressure.
    You don't want to activate it to test....

    I'm guessing you don't have to recharge that often, 5-6 I'd start to think about it..
    Not much point in having one if it "Don't Work right proper like"

    A quick Google found several links:

    You will need to recharge the fire extinguishers during your annual (or more frequent) maintenance schedule. Follow the recommendations and directions on the manufacturer’s label. Don’t skip this step. It is important to the operation of the unit, as well as to the effectiveness of the agent inside.

    Fire extinguishers need to be completely discharged, cleaned, inspected and recharged after every use and on a regular basis. Learning how to recharge fire extinguishers is an important lesson to learn. Stay safe with effective, well maintained fire extinguishers.
  9. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    What Craig said for the attachments for reference:

    thanks Craig... and welcome back...
  10. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Also, just to same someone "Frustration Time" the straps go on the "inside" of the little rectangle holder holes, not on the outside or the straps won't fit around the bottle.

    Finally figured it out after wondering "HUH??"... as started to look for something else to hold it that would allow for a quick release..


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