550 / 560 Feeling Guilty That I Might Choose 560 Over 550

Discussion in 'Camp-Inn Options & Accessories' started by rickdernberger, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Hi Everyone - just joined this group - posting for the first time. I'm definitely a Camp Inn TT Wannabe.

    Question: Did any of you 560 owners go through anxiety over not selecting the "classic beauty" of the original tear drop design?

    I fell in love years ago with the Teardrop ever since I saw them in a segment on a show on the travel channel, I think it was called "Crazy RVs" or something like that. At that moment, I knew deep in my gut that a tear drop HAD to be in my future some day. I've been dreaming about them ever since. No really. DREAMING about them.

    Now for my dilemma: I think the 560 Raindrop actually makes far more sense for me. I love the whole couch concept. I'm a voracious reader and can picture myself snuggled on that couch on cold rainy days reading in my mobile man cave. On occasions when my wife and 8-year old daughter accompany me, the 560 definitely offers more space. But wait! This is NOT the Tiny Trailer I originally fell in love with! And to be completely honest, the Raindrop, although possessing it's own special exterior beauty, just can't hold a candle to the classic Teardrop design.

    Oh WHY Oh WHY must I choose??? I know I'd love the 560 Raindrop. But I fear this little voice would haunt me every time I saw a traditional teardrop, saying "You blew it - you could've had the original!"

    So back to my question. Did any of you 560 owners suffer similar anxiety before choosing the Raindrop? When you see a traditional tear drop at gatherings, does some small part of you wonder what might have been??


    Torn Between Two Lovers, Feeling Like a Fool!
  2. bherbig

    bherbig Novice

    Ok Rick,
    Here goes. My wife and I first got a 4 ft wide woodie from Camp-Inn after I saw the RV Crazy show also. We loved that little trailer even tho it was only 4 ft wide and had 1 door. Not the best layout for 2 people but it was so cozy. Then we got a chance to get in a 560 and that was all she wrote! We knew we had to have one for the same reasons you have given and the fact that when you camp there is no Guarantee that the weather will always be great and nothing beats the comfort of the couch when the weather is not so nice. It really can make or break a camping trip.
    So I guess you have to make the choice and I bet no matter which way you go you will never look back because with either the 550 or 560 you can't lose. Just make sure you think it out because it can be expensive if you choose the wrong one and want the other.
    Good Luck!
    Bruce Herbig
  3. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Rick this might not help but got the 550 and have wondered (since so many on the forum have 560's) if we made a mistake. Recently we went to Camp-Inn for some work and stayed over night in a rental 560 and found we really prefer our 550. It is hard to explain (maybe psychological) but it is something about the shape of the roof inside - it is cozy and feels more comfortable to us. Maybe you should rent a 560 and see if it really is to your liking.
  4. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Hi Rick-

    Having a young one too, we bought the trailer, not for the couch, but for the bunks! The couch was the cherry! We know he is going to get too big for them one day, and since our wet season out here seems to be getting longer (formerly 9 months, now it goes 2 years and then summer) that extra room is great. Plus those bunks keep wandering arms and feet out of faces and hips...my son is a traveler when he sleeps. We haven't looked back one bit. No regrets. Granted, we had only seen the pictures of the 550 and haven't lived in one.

    I would say, take a good hard look at the way you camp, how and where you plan to go, is your 8-year old ok in a tent, etc, and go from there.

    Regardless of which ever you get, you are getting the best, and you will probably be like the rest of us, and fall more and more in love with your baby, every time you look at it.

    Good luck and welcome to the forum!
  5. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Oh Rick, don't torture yourself...

    Get both of them.

    And welcome to the family.

  6. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    Had a 'classic' teardrop before the 560 and would NEVER go back. If its raining, all you get is a bent neck if you wanna sit up inside. The 560 is still tiny and cute, mostly mistaken as a dog trailer or Airstream Basecamp.
  7. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Or a horse trailer for miniature ponies! ;)

  8. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    I think you'll find plenty of reasons to love whatever you get. I haven't heard of any 550 owners wanting to trade - or vise versa.
    My two cents: Function trumps looks.
  9. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    Betsey, has someone really said that before? I love how that last thing some people think is camper when they see one. In Illinois some dude at as gas station said "you must really love your hunting dogs to heat their trailer'. He saw the propane tank I guess.
  10. Bruce - Interesting that you have no regrets with your 560 especially after owning a "traditional teardrop" (albeit not a CampInn.)

    Pat W - I do like your idea about renting a 560. (And I am happy for you that you were able to confirm your ownership of the TT you already own.)

    Sue: Oh, how I wish I could afford both! And thank you for your "welcome" to the "family." It is one of the factors that is drawing me in.

    Sarah - You raise good questions to ask myself about my plans for the trailer. You also hit the bull's eye regarding the sleep habits of kids. My 8-year old is a "kicker" in her sleep. Much fun. That might seal the deal right there.

    Matt: It is re-assuring to hear from you that you have no regrets!

    Evan: If I go with function, the 560 seems to win hands down for my situation. In the end, it would be very irrational to buy a trailer that "looks cuter" to me, but does not work as well for me and my family. Thanks for your two cents, and thank you for your work on this forum overall. (Yes, I was a total stalker/lurker for a several days before joining.)

    Betsey: Yes! There is some resemblance to a horse trailer, isn't there? Well, the odd questions from the public are part of what I actually look forward to!
  11. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    Rick, my first tear drop was a homemade. I spent every weekend for months in my parents garage building it. It was so neat, tiny, cute, etc. used it for two years before I sold it on eBay and upgraded to the camp inn. Honestly, it was the sofa that pushed me that way. Two years of the teardrop was really enough. I may not be fair because I am over 6' tall, so maybe some folks don't hate the sloped roof as much as myself. The old teardrop and the 560 both seem to get as much attention as each other. You will get the thumbs up, silly questions, the occasional drunk guy wandering into your campsite for a late nite tour. Like Evan said. It's a functionality thing. The raindrop seems more useable. Also, four adults can sit inside if it's nasty out. That's great if your friends are camping in a tent.
  12. David Olson

    David Olson Novice

    My wife and I went to Necedah in April to order our CI.
    I had my mind set on the 550 mostly because I love the shape and length, and partly because of the cost. But after Cary got us inside the 560 and we sat on the couch there was no arguing with my wife and I was sold pretty quickly also. The 560 is only about 2' longer and is still a very classic design.
    If you have much doubt. It would be worth the trip to check both out.
    I know we will have no regrets on choosing the 560.
  13. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Oh, yah! Craig was the first to say it when he designed it! :D

    He was initially a little hesitant about the design because of that. And, yes, that is a comment we hear on occasion from both teardrop owners & non-owners.

    Kind of funny, actually. :D

  14. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff


    Why don't you rent one for the weekend of the 9th Annual Camp-Inn Camp-Outt at the end of September? Then you can try it out, take a tour of the factory, see lots of other teardrops, get some first hand info, meets lots of nice people & eat lots of good food! We have about 43 reservations so far & about 80+ people attending at this point. Most of the teardrops are CIs but there are also other manufactured tears as well as home built ones & possibly even an original "oldy."

    No better way to check out teardrops & get your questions answered! And always a good time!

  15. Betsey -

    I LOVE that idea! I had seen postings about that event and had thought about coming in my pop-up to check other trailers out. But how much better would it be to actually rent a 560??

    What would be my next step to do this?
  16. Oly - You are the 2nd or third person on here that I have seen who was originally thinking 550 and was blown away once they crawled inside the 560. It sounds like I need to climb inside both of those trailers!
  17. Matt - it sounds like you have no regrets what so ever. For you, the functionality of the Raindrop completely out weighs the "cuteness" of the teardrop. This is reassuring to hear!
  18. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Either email or give Cary a call & let him know you would like to rent either the 550 or 560 for the Camp-Outt.

  19. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Rick, rent the 560. You can always lazy about in someone's 550 at the CICO. Best of both worlds....

    ...and I still think you should buy both.



    We camp with our 9 year old granddaughter and it's getting pretty tight quarters. As much as we all love the look of the 550, if you have kids, the 560 is the way to go.
  20. schluns

    schluns Novice

    Gerry and I figured if we built it would be on the lines of a 560. So last year we would get better quality if we bought the CI instead. We have had our 560 for just over a month and love it. The couch is very convienient on rainy days
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