NC State Park Falls Lake - Holly Point

Discussion in 'Southeast' started by Sweeney, May 8, 2013.

  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Staying at the "holly" camp site at falls lake in Raleigh NC. All in all not bad but it's hard to say for sure...because so far everything has just been wet.

    But it's hard to judge, it's rained (RAINED!) ever since we got here. When it wasnt raining the trees were dropping their residual water. Everything is muddy :(. I have to say, this is he first time I've regretted not getting a class C.

    Today lots better, as does tomorrow and Friday. My guess is humidity will be unbearable.....temps in high 80s.

    BIG lesson learned. Sun Tsu was right. Take the high ground. Our site, as most are here, is downhill from the main road. We had a over flow through the camp site. Won't do that again if there's a chance of rain....awful time.

    I'm cross posting to campers confessional :)

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