Easy Reach Toaster Oven

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by 1Door, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    It is made by Hamilton Beach...We had $40 "free" money at Best Buy so it only cost us $10. I don't know how to do all that fancy stuff you all do for websites, but it's NICE and will fit perfectly in our galley. Perfect for those cold mornings and warming up a danish or toasting a bagel. Good Housekeeping has it as one of 12 great kitchen items for 2013.
  2. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

  3. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Hmmmm... Interesting... I've been looking for some "Toaster Option".. but didn't want the bulk of an Oven..

    I wanted it for Breakfast rolls "Apple Fritters" were my thing, but since I haven't found a good way to heating, tried pie pan with crumpled foil (little water for moisture) then Fritter on the crumpled foil (to help not sticking) and foii on top... heheh kinda-sorta worked... but have weaned myself off the Fritters, not sure why.. so haven't really pursued it... thought of the Cast Iron pan w/lid... to got a little too hot on the bottom..

    So this would be one option, but a little too big for just that use... for moi anyway...
  4. Bechtle

    Bechtle Novice

    Between a Dutch Oven and a Griddle/Grill there isn't much that one can't "cook". That includes hot sour dough muffins in the morning. My cast iron pieces are designed for propane rather than open fire. I do confess to carrying some cast iron heat defusers so I can lower the tempreture.

    Happy Trails

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