Dometic Fridge Cover Question

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by Long Truong, Apr 6, 2022.

  1. Long Truong

    Long Truong Junior Ranger

    So our trailer has an 11 year old dometic fridge. I'm thinking about getting the cover but also can't discount the possibility that an 11 year old fridge could break tomorrow. Would the dometic covers work with most of the other fridges that would fit in the camp inn? (iceco, the random ones they sell on Amazon, etc.)
  2. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    I'm not sure what kind of cover you are referring to, but you need to give the fridge room to breath. I'd be more concerned to make sure you have the CI spacer to make sure there is enough breathing room behind it when it is in the galley. I have a Dometic and see no need for any kind of cover.
    Kevin likes this.
  3. Long Truong

    Long Truong Junior Ranger

    I have the spacer. I'm just looking for something to insulate the fridge and maybe take the place of the towel were using.

    View attachment upload_2022-4-6_16-33-49.png
    Kevin likes this.
  4. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    I’m skeptical they offer any true cooling value, and in a confined space like the galley I’d much prefer the unit have all the space it needs to breath. When traveling on a hot day, open the hatch when you stop or carry it in the car like some do. YMMV.
    Kevin likes this.
  5. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    I vote for carrying it in the tow vehicle. The Dometic heats up the galley quite a bit and thus reduces it's ability to keep food cold.
    Kevin and Van_and_Terri like this.
  6. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Exactly what we did!
  7. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    We keep our cooler in the car for many reasons, including bears. We keep the cooler that came with our 550 in the 550, but use it as a pantry for non-perishables. Cold cooler cooler goes on the side table, then back in the rear of the TV. Works great.
    Kevin and Van_and_Terri like this.
  8. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    I envy those of you who can lug a full fridge in and out of the car when using it. I have enough trouble just going from the galley to the side table when necessary.
    Kevin, Sweeney and rmbrowder like this.
  9. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Me too...and I'm still reasonalby young and healthy...I think its mostly the odd angles
  10. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I agree on the odd angle or height in the galley. The side table isn’t all that bad. It’s lifting it higher where I’m weak.
    Kevin likes this.
  11. Steve & Betsy

    Steve & Betsy Novice

    We like our Dometic insulating cover. I think it gives the frig more room to breathe in the back of the unit, as when pushed into the galley it creates a tad more space between the frig and backsplash. The Dometic cover has vent screens where the Dometic needs them. Those vents may not be in the right place for another unit.

    I did have to trim a slight amount off of the side of our hockey stick to accommodate the cover and more care must be used sliding the frig into its spot, so as to not damage the cord/plug.

    We are in 90 degree AZ heat right now and our Dometic has not turned off due to overheating. We always keep it in the galley.
    dustinp, Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  12. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Great feedback Steve and Betsy.

    How long can your Dometic run, on house battery only, in that ambient heat?

    Hatch up or down?
    Dometic in freezer mode or cooler mode?
  13. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Yeah, we've liked ours so far as well, although I know what you mean about the plugs. It gets a bit tighter on the side with the cover on, and the 12V plug wire has to be doubled back on itself to go forward to the receptacle. Otherwise our experience has been similar to yours.
  14. SouthernStar

    SouthernStar Newbie

    I use a Dometic cover on a refrigerator made by another manufacturer. I checked to make sure that the ventilation areas were in the same places before I did it though. Also, be mindful of where your controls are because you could also cover those up too. To be honest, the covers that are made by other companies aren't bad at all and I really wouldn't have a problem using the cover offered by the same company which made the refrigerator I have. (I have one of their covers on a smaller refrigerator) The only reason I even considered it was because the Dometic top portion of the cover zips off and folds over to the side and the lid on the refrigerator I have opens from front to rear. The case offered by the same company as my refrigerator also opens from front to rear. As a result, the weight of the cover and lid makes it a little more difficult to keep the lid open. The Dometic cover just gets out of the way, if that makes sense. The Dometic cover I have was also put on clearance a few years ago when they dropped the model it was designed for, which is the only reason I took a chance.
  15. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I never found one even necessary -- we had a CF35 and now the current replacement (CFF35) and both keep things nicely cold as long as we allow it to be ventilated and it is in the shade.

    When we are traveling for long periods of time with the galley closed and sun beating on the cover is where we've had any problems, but our food never spoiled, temps were warmer but still "safe" - If space were not so muhc an issue, I'd put a cooler or spacer in the Galley and cary the fridge in the car. These fridges (like any fridge) needs cooling air for the fins...
    Tour 931 likes this.
  16. SouthernStar

    SouthernStar Newbie

    For me, the decision for a cover was less about the need for additional insulation and more about protection for the exterior of the refrigerator and also protection of the galley. It definitely delivers on those points. Based on my experience, I don't think I'll ever have a refrigerator without it having a cover. Definitely worth it, in my opinion...
  17. I like the idea of the added insulation and protection factor, but I'm concerned the zipper lid would make opening the regular lid annoying. Does the cover lid unzip in a way that lets you lift the interior lid easily?
  18. rotus8

    rotus8 Ranger Donating Member

    The zipper opens all the way to the hinge, the lid opens easily. We leave it unzipped during meal prep when repeated access is needed, zip it up the rest of the time.
    Jim Carter likes this.

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